Economic Strategy

Sound fiscal policy, investments to enhance growth and productivity, and competitive tax rates are fundamental to success in the global economy.

Responsible and effective policies help Canada attract people and investment, enable companies to grow and create jobs, and allow families to build better lives for themselves and for their children.

Areas of focus include:

Jobs and Growth

Enabling a competitive environment that delivers economic growth and high-value jobs to Canadians from coast to coast to coast.

Public Finances

Federal and provincial budgets that invest responsibly in people and growth-enabling initiatives.


Modernizing and simplifying Canada’s overly complex, inefficient, and dated tax system.


Without urgent action on Canada’s lagging economy, your quality of life will suffer

In an insightful opinion piece for the Toronto Star, Richard Abboud raises concerns that without a powerful and robust economy, the ability to sustain the pillars of Canada’s daily life and identity— universal health care, the social safety net, attainable education, and affordable housing — are in jeopardy.

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