Why we remain committed to philanthropy

“We recognize the incredible demand for help right now and want to do our part to support initiatives that fill gaps and create opportunities for a stronger society… in the end, it’s about being a good neighbour and caring for each other.”

Michael Crothers

As posted on LinkedIn.

In the midst of the current pandemic, Shell Canada has stepped up to support the local communities where we live and work. This commitment is more important now than ever before, as our communities are hurting and the impacts of COVID-19 will be with us for many months to come.

When the economy slowed down to help stop the spread of coronavirus, many people’s circumstances changed and they required extra help to meet their basic needs. We recognize the incredible demand for help right now and want to do our part to support initiatives that fill gaps and create opportunities for a stronger society.  These range from mental health, to education and to food security. 

I am continually humbled by the generosity and kindness of our Shell Canada employees, who have found meaningful ways to give back to their communities. Whether it is through corporate giving programs or local Fuelling Kindness activities, it’s ingrained in our people and I love seeing the “creative philanthropy” evolve during these challenging times.

Through our Feeding Communities campaign this Spring, employees and retirees donated over $125,000 to 50 foodbanks across Canada. Shell matched this generosity and contributed over $250,000 total! I’m really inspired and proud of this response.

In our Retail business, our retail sites are participating in a Summer of Fuelling Kindness to support specific needs for their local areas. Events for mental health support, housing, elder care and food banks are some examples of the great work these teams are doing. These events have been happening across Canada since May and will continue into September. I really like the initiative our teams have shown in partnership with our retailers on what matters most in their neighbourhoods.

United Way has been a long-time partner of Shell Canada, and we recently reached a significant milestone with them. Through the generous contributions of retirees, employees, and contractors, as well as Shell’s matching program, Shell Canada has contributed over $100 million in total over the last 30+ years. Every year, I look forward to the annual Shell Campaign for United Way as it is a proud part of Shell culture. To read more about this, see here: https://calgaryunitedway.org/blog/shell-canada-100-million-dollar-commitment-changes-lives/

Shell Canada leaders felt it was really important, despite all the challenges in our business, to respond and deliver urgent support early in the COVID-19 crisis. So earlier this year, we gave $250,000 to the COVID-19 Community Response Fund, a collaboration with The City of Calgary, including the Calgary Emergency Management Agency, and United Way of Calgary and Area. In Sarnia, we contributed $50,000 to their local United Way branch to support Lambton County’s most vulnerable. In central Alberta, Shell donated $100,000 to United Way of Alberta Capital Region to ensure sustainability of the Community Impact Fund and recovery work. 

We recognize the challenging economic times our communities have been through recently. Considering that, we want to continue to make a meaningful difference in the lives of Canadians through our community contributions in United Way and our Fuelling Kindness activities – in the end, it’s about being a good neighbour and caring for each other.