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Dear friends,

At the beginning of the month, I wrote to you after the United States announced its plan to impose tariffs on Canada. Since then, the situation has been changing, almost on a daily basis, and those paused tariffs could come into effect next week. It can be hard to keep up, and it’s easy to feel like things are outside of our control.
But that’s not the Canadian way and I am heartened to see people across the country taking action – whether it’s changing spending habits and travel plans, or cheering on Canada in the Four Nations Face-off, or proudly flying the maple leaf on Flag Day, as we did at the Business Council of Canada headquarters.
Canada has been shaken out of its complacency and I think we all now recognize the importance of taking charge of our economic destiny. This month, the BCC released Ambition and Action: An urgent plan for Canadaoutlining a bold and pragmatic roadmap to do just that.
While Canada gets its own house in order, we must also recognize that our relationship with the United States can and must endure. Over the past few weeks, I have travelled with members of the BCC to meet with White House officials and U.S. lawmakers. Those we met with all underlined to us the importance of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement. As I wrote this week, CUSMA should be the forum for working out our trade disputes and we should expedite the review and renewal process of our continental trade pact.
Let’s control what we can, and act with the urgency the moment requires.

Yours truly,

Goldy Hyder
President and CEO
Business Council of Canada

The ongoing threat of U.S. tariffs on Canadian exports is upending assumptions Canada’s economy has relied on for decades.

Now is the time for action. We can seize this moment to make substantial and lasting change to the way we operate as a country.

Our new report Ambition and Action outlines a two-part plan focused on capitalizing on Canada’s strengths through strategic industrial growth and harnessing our energy and critical minerals.

Team Canada did us all proud at the Four Nations Face-off last week. They proved that skill, determination and teamwork are a winning combination.

We can do the same as a country.

Check out the latest video in our Can-do campaign, and pass the puck.

Find out more

In January, Goldy Hyder spoke with best-selling author, columnist and CNN host Fareed Zakaria for an insightful discussion about political change, realignment and what to expect from a second Trump presidency.

You can listen to the conversation on the Speaking of Business podcast.

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