Statement on the resignation of the Finance Minister
At the heart of democracy is the understanding that governments are transparent and work in the best interests of their citizens.
Today’s resignation statement from former finance minister Chrystia Freeland brings into question whose interests the federal government is looking out for. It is deeply troubling that the former finance minister believes the government is opting for “costly political gimmicks” at a time when federal finances are severely strained. Ms. Freeland’s statement that Canadians “know when we are working for them and they equally know when we are focused on ourselves” calls into question the government’s motives at a very serious time in the life of our country.
Canadians have a right to know the country’s fiscal picture, and businesses need the facts. How has the government spent taxpayers’ money? How large is the deficit? A lack of transparency erodes confidence and delays investment decisions.
Canada needs stable and credible leadership that recognizes the seriousness of the moment. The country is facing significant economic headwinds over the coming weeks, including looming U.S. tariffs and pressure to invest more in the border and defence. We must put the national interest above all else and ensure the country is operating from a position of strength, not weakness.