Protecting Canadian citizens and prosperity

Goldy Hyder says Canadian businesses are ready to collaborate with the government in safeguarding Canada’s national security. His perspective was featured in multiple news articles about the recent Five Eyes intelligence heads gathering at Stanford University’s Hoover Institute.

“In an era of renewed geopolitical rivalry, when a country’s ability to continuously push the boundaries of science and technology is the foundation upon which military, economic, and cultural power now rests, deep and sustained partnerships between the private and public sectors are necessary to protect our citizens and our prosperity.” 

« Au Canada, la réglementation empêche nos propres services de sécurité de nous avertir avant une attaque, s’ils détiennent des informations top secrètes. Ils doivent nous en parler après. Le Canada, présentement, fonctionne avec des règles qui le forcent à se battre avec une main attachée dans le dos »