Canada must meet its international obligations

Goldy Hyder underscores the importance of meeting Canada’s 2% defence spending commitment to ensure national security and fulfill its global responsibilities. His letter to the Prime Minister on this topic was featured in multiple news outlets prior to the NATO Summit in Washington, D.C. 

“The consequences that would result from this diplomatic isolation, in terms of both our security and economic partnerships, will have broad ramifications for all Canadians.” 

“There is a growing concern that Canada – one of the 12 founding members [of NATO] – will be singled out at that summit as the only member of the 32-nation alliance who has not committed to invest at least two per cent of GDP on defence by the end of this decade.”  

“The spending actually creates opportunities and growth for our country for jobs, and for Canadians while meeting our international obligations.” 

“This is an area where we have been called out. It used to be called out quietly in Washington, now it’s being done very publicly.” 

“We should be a country that honours its word and Canadians understand that.” 

“We live in increasingly perilous and uncertain times. It is vital that Canadians work cooperatively with our NATO allies to defend our borders, our interests and our values.” 

“ Canadians should be people who are honouring their word and we are not doing that when it comes to 2% spending on NATO.”