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Remarks to the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade on C-100, An Act to implement the Agreement between Canada, the United States of America and the United Mexican States

Mr. Chair, committee members, thank you for the invitation to take part in your consultations on Bill C-100. The Business Council of Canada represents the chief executives and entrepreneurs of 150 leading Canadian companies, in all sectors and regions of […]

Remarks to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance on Bill C-97, Budget Implementation Act, 2019, No. 1

Mr. Chair, committee members, thank you for the invitation to take part in your consultations on Bill C-97. The Business Council of Canada represents the chief executives and entrepreneurs of 150 leading Canadian companies, in all sectors and regions of […]

Remarks to the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade on the Government of Canada’s support for the international trade of small and medium-sized businesses

Mr. Chair committee members, thank you for the invitation to take part in your study on connecting SMEs to new markets. The Business Council of Canada represents the chief executives and entrepreneurs of 150 leading Canadian companies, from all sectors […]

Statement to the Senate Committee on Foreign Affairs and International Trade on Bill C-79, the CPTPP Implementation Act

Madame Chair, committee members, thank you for the invitation to take part in your study of Bill C-79, the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) Implementation Act. The Business Council of Canada represents the chief executives and entrepreneurs […]

Remarks to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance on Budget 2019

Mr. Chair, committee members, thank you for the invitation to take part in your pre-budget consultations. The Business Council of Canada represents the chief executives and entrepreneurs of 150 leading Canadian companies, in all sectors and regions of the country. […]

Pre-budget submission the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance

Remarks to the Standing Senate Committee on Legal and Constitutional Affairs regarding Bill C-74

Thank you.  Mr. Chairman and Honourable Senators.   I am pleased to be here today to discuss these important amendments to the Criminal Code. Le Conseil canadien des affaires réunit les chefs d’entreprises pour formuler la politique publique dans l’intérêt d’un […]

Remarks to the Senate Standing Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce regarding international competitiveness

Mr. Chair, committee members, thank you for the invitation to take part in your study on new and emerging issues faced by Canadian importers and exporters in relation to their international competitiveness. The Business Council of Canada represents the chief […]

Remarks to the House of Commons Standing Committee on International Trade regarding the Pacific Alliance

Mr. Chair, committee members, thank you for the invitation to take part in your study of a potential free trade agreement between Canada and the Pacific Alliance (PA). The Business Council of Canada represents the chief executives and entrepreneurs of […]

Framing an energy strategy for Canada

Submission to the Council of the Federation At the July 2012 meeting of the Council of the Federation, Canada’s Premiers should build on their 2007 statement, A Shared Energy Vision for Canada, and commit to a broad vision for Canadian […]