All Publications

Economic security legislation will protect Canadians

Remarks delivered by Trevor Neiman, Vice President, Policy and Legal Counsel, Business Council of Canada, to the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security regarding Bill C-70, the Countering Foreign Interference Act. Mister Chair, committee members, […]

Protecting Canada’s critical cyber systems

Remarks delivered by Trevor Neiman, Vice President, Policy and Legal Counsel, Business Council of Canada, to the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on Public Safety and National Security on Bill C-26 Mister Chair, committee members, thank you for the invitation […]

Supporting our partners and allies in Europe

Trevor Kennedy’s testimony to the House Committee of Foreign Affairs and International Development regarding the situation at the Russia-Ukraine Border and Implications for Peace and Security. Mr. Chair, thank you for the opportunity to speak to this committee about the […]

Urging fiscal restraint in Budget 2024

Remarks by Robert Asselin to the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance in pre-budget consultations. Mr. Chair, The state of the world today reminds us of the inherent fragility of our international order and the global economy. For a […]

Measures to grow Canada’s clean economy

The Business Council of Canada’s submission to Finance Canada in response to the proposed investment tax credits for clean technologies. The federal government has set a goal of achieving a 40-to-45 per cent reduction in carbon emissions by 2030 and […]

Concerns over Canada’s Digital Services Tax

Submission to The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, P.C., M.P., Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance in response to the government’s consultations regarding the draft Digital Services Tax Act. Dear Deputy Prime Minister, Please accept this letter as the Business Council […]

Prioritizing a Softwood Lumber Agreement

Trevor Kennedy’s testimony to the House of Commons’ Standing Committee on International Trade regarding U.S Countervailing and Antidumping Duties on Canadian Exports of Certain Softwood Lumber Products Madam Chair, committee members, thank you for the invitation to take part in […]

Increasing competitiveness and productivity throughout the Americas

Letter to the Honourable Mary Ng, P.C.,M.P., Minister of International Trade, Export promotion, Small Business and Economic Development, as part of the Business Councils submission to Global Affairs Canada’s consultations on the Americas Partnership for Economic Prosperity (APEP). Re: Americas […]

The future of competition policy in Canada

Submission by the Business Council of Canada to the federal consultation on Reform of the Competition Act The Business Council of Canada is pleased to offer its views in response to the federal consultation on potential reform to the Competition […]

Leveraging science and technology to build a stronger economy

Robert Asselin’s testimony to the House of Commons Committee on Science and Research Le progrès scientifique est l’un des déterminants économiques clés de notre avenir. En termes simples, la capacité des états à transformer leur capital intellectuel en croissance économique […]