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Business leaders welcome Ontario’s commitment to long-term economic growth

Statement by Goldy Hyder, President and CEO, Business Council of Canada:    Ottawa, March 24, 2021 – As Canada emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, governments across the country must take concrete action to speed economic recovery, business investment and job creation. We […]

April 19th federal budget must lay out a plan for economic growth

Statement by Goldy Hyder, President and CEO, Business Council of Canada:    Ottawa, March 23, 2021 – With an end to the COVID-19 pandemic now in sight, Canadians are looking for hope when it comes to jobs and the economy. To build […]

Business groups welcome recent meetings by North American leaders

Business Roundtable, the Business Council of Canada, and the Mexican Business Council welcome President Biden’s recent meetings with Prime Minister Trudeau and with President López Obrador, as well as Cabinet-level meetings, that all demonstrate a shared commitment to North American […]

Business Council urges MPs to move forward with study of bill modernizing Canada’s privacy law  

Consumer groups, privacy experts, entrepreneurs and business groups welcomed the introduction last fall of Bill C-11, a proposed modernization of Canada’s online consumer privacy laws.  Yet now that same bill sits stalled in the House of Commons, creating a high risk that it will “die” on the Order Paper if Parliament is dissolved and an election is called later this year.   Canadians should hope that doesn’t happen. Our country’s current privacy framework is badly outdated and does little to protect the […]

Multi-industry statement on cross-border data transfers and data localization disciplines in the WTO negotiations on e-commerce

The undersigned organizations applaud the participating economies in the WTO Joint Statement Initiative (JSI) negotiations for their commitment to developing a framework of trade rules to unlock the potential of the Digital 21st Century economy. At a time when the […]

Canadian business groups call for swift ratification of the Canada-U.K. Trade Continuity Agreement

The Business Council of Canada, Canadian Agri-Food Trade Alliance, Canadian Chamber of Commerce, Canadian Federation of Independent Business, Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters, and the Canadian Association of Importers and Exporters issued the following statement calling for swift passage of legislation […]

Standing up for Keystone XL

Today’s revocation of the Keystone XL (KXL) presidential permit is deeply disappointing. If completed, KXL would be among the world’s safest, most progressive and most environmentally responsible pipelines. The proponent, TC Energy, has committed to investing more than $1.7 billion […]

Small Modular Reactor (SMR) Action Plan an important step toward meeting climate goals

The federal government’s new SMR action plan represents a welcome step toward creating a competitive advantage in this emerging technology.  By leveraging our world-class uranium deposits and existing nuclear and engineering expertise, Canadians have an opportunity to develop low-emissions energy […]

Business Council of Canada welcomes the federal government’s plan for “A healthy environment and a healthy economy.”

We have long argued that achievement of Canada’s Paris GHG reduction goal is an ambitious undertaking that will have significant implications for all Canadians. Substantive progress will only be possible with a comprehensive strategy that fully integrates the roles and […]

Industry Strategy Council offers framework for a growth plan based on partnership

As published on Goldy Hyder’s LinkedIn account: One of the lessons of the pandemic is that there are no limits to what we can achieve when the private and public sectors work together. That’s why I was very pleased to […]