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Phase 1 of easing border measures is a long-overdue step, but falls short

Today’s announcement marks a long-overdue step toward easing border measures for travellers entering the country, but it falls far short of the comprehensive plan that Canadians need. We’re told this is the first phase of the government’s approach to easing […]

Canadians need a clearly articulated plan to reopen the border

We’re disappointed to learn that the U.S.-Canada Joint Initiative will be extended for another month. Our two countries have missed an opportunity to make amendments to the border agreement which would recognize the increasing number of people who are fully […]

Facilitating safe cross-border travel between the United States and Canada

On behalf of businesses of all sizes in the United States and Canada, we congratulate our governments on their efforts to ensure that as many citizens as possible have the opportunity to be fully vaccinated against COVID-19. In our view, […]

G7 finance ministers’ agreement on global tax reform

A strong and sustainable economic recovery will require close collaboration among like-minded countries. Today’s agreement on global tax reform signals a positive step in that direction, although many of the details remain to be worked out. The Business Council of […]

Welcoming the inaugural meeting of the USMCA Free Trade Commission

Following the conclusion of the first meeting of the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) Free Trade Commission, Business Roundtable, the Business Council of Canada and the Mexican Business Council released the statement below: “As business leaders in the United States, Mexico and […]

Business Council welcomes the Conservative Party’s new climate action plan

Canada can be a leader in the fight against climate change. We welcome the Conservative Party’s new climate action plan. We agree that it’s important to put a price on carbon and to provide incentives for Canadians to reduce their […]

Business Council welcomes new pathways to permanent residency

Immigration Minister Mendicino’s announcement to establish new pathways to permanent residency for over 90,000 essential workers and international graduates with temporary status will strengthen Canada’s economy when we need it most.   Immigrants have long played a critical role in supporting Canadians’ high standard of living and building vibrant […]

Agreement with Air Canada recognizes the unique challenges faced by hard-hit travel sector

Today’s agreement between Air Canada and the federal government is long overdue, and recognizes the unique challenges faced by Canada’s hard-hit travel sector in the COVID-19 pandemic. But government assistance is only one step.   To get Canadians flying again and […]

Carbon pricing is important, but so is stable and predictable regulation

Statement by Goldy Hyder, President and CEO, Business Council of Canada, following today’s Supreme Court ruling on carbon pricing:   “Canada’s business leaders long ago recognized the need to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. That is why our organization supported carbon pricing […]

Business leaders welcome Ontario’s commitment to long-term economic growth

Statement by Goldy Hyder, President and CEO, Business Council of Canada:    Ottawa, March 24, 2021 – As Canada emerges from the COVID-19 pandemic, governments across the country must take concrete action to speed economic recovery, business investment and job creation. We […]