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Canadian business urges swift ratification of Pacific Rim trade deal

The Business Council of Canada today welcomed the introduction of legislation to implement Canada’s ambitious new trade agreement with Pacific Rim nations, calling on parliamentarians to act swiftly to bring the agreement into force. The Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for […]

Statement on the imposition of U.S. tariffs on steel and aluminum

The U.S. Administration’s decision today to impose Section 232 tariffs on imports of steel and aluminum from Canada, Mexico and the European Union is unacceptable, irrational and clearly contrary to the United States’ international trade obligations. The tariffs will do […]

Budget 2018 overlooks Canada’s serious competitiveness challenges, Business Council says

In his 2018 budget, Finance Minister Bill Morneau has missed an opportunity to shore up Canada’s eroding competitiveness and improve the country’s ability to attract jobs and new investment, the Business Council of Canada says. “The budget’s title is ‘Equality […]

Canada must move swiftly to restore its business tax competitiveness, Business Council says

The federal government must take decisive action now to shore up Canada’s business tax competitiveness in the wake of sweeping tax reforms in the United States, the Business Council of Canada says in a letter to The Honourable Bill Morneau, […]

Statement on the conclusion of CPTPP

Today Canada took a major step toward strengthening its trade ties with the world’s fastest-growing region. When the new Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership is implemented, Canadians will gain enhanced market access for everything from agricultural goods to […]

Business Council of Canada calls for swift conclusion and implementation of the Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership

TOKYO, Japan – Wrapping up three days of meetings with Japanese government and business leaders, The Honourable John Manley today urged Canada to pursue a swift and successful conclusion to talks on the proposed Comprehensive and Progressive Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP). […]

Canada-EU business leaders: CETA implementation beneficial for all

Businesses across Canada and the European Union are welcoming today’s provisional implementation of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA). A progressive free trade agreement that covers nearly all sectors and aspects of Canada-EU trade, CETA will benefit consumers, […]

Business Council pays tribute to Rick George

The Business Council of Canada joins with Albertans and countless other Canadians in mourning the passing of its former Chair, Rick George. “Rick was a proud Canadian and a visionary business leader,” said The Honourable John Manley, President and Chief Executive […]

U.S., Canadian and Mexican Business Leaders Highlight Importance of NAFTA Negotiations in Supporting Jobs, Growth and Competitiveness

Business leaders from the United States, Canada and Mexico met today in Washington to discuss the importance of modernizing NAFTA and further strengthening North American economic relations. Business Roundtable Chairman Jamie Dimon of JPMorgan Chase & Co. hosted the meeting […]

Business Council congratulates Toronto’s financial services sector for its commitment to boost opportunities for young Canadians

Canadian businesses are stepping up to help post-secondary students enter the workforce, with some of Toronto region’s leading financial services companies announcing an ambitious plan to provide 10,000 work-integrated learning placements by the end of 2020. A joint initiative involving […]