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Preliminary survey report: the skill needs of major Canadian employers

Introduction During October and November of 2013, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) surveyed its member companies on their skill needs and human resource priorities. Topics addressed included: the skills and attributes that matter most to large Canadian companies […]

Skills development in Canada: so much noise, so little action

Introduction Here is a dispiriting story for any Canadian worried about finding a job, and any business worried about finding skilled workers. In 2008, Canada’s labour ministers – federal, provincial and territorial – appointed a blue-ribbon panel to come up […]

A Canadian national economic strategy for Asia

Introduction For 250 years, Canada’s strong economic links with its neighbour to the south have been a cornerstone of its growth and prosperity. While the United States will continue to be a major economic partner and critical ally for Canada, […]

Strengthening education and research connectivity between Canada and Asia: Innovative models for engagement

Abstract Education, innovation and knowledge are key drivers in the world economy. Led by China and India, the emerging economies of Asia have placed a premium on investing in higher education and on building academic and research links around the […]

Competing in the 21st Century Skills Race

Executive Summary Competition from low-wage countries has long been a challenge for many Canadian manufacturers. But the global economy is evolving and growing numbers of previously undeveloped economies are now moving up the value chain. As China and other Asian […]

Canada-Australia commerce: enhancing the relationship

Executive Summary Canada and Australia are highly similar economies in terms of size, wealth, governance systems, most observable socio-economic characteristics, resource endowments and specialization in international trade. To the extent that countries trade because they are different, this works as […]

Golden Opportunities and Surmountable Challenges: Prospects for Canadian agriculture in Asia

Executive Summary Over the past several years, strong economic growth in emerging markets has been a major factor pushing up prices for a wide range of agricultural commodities. The World Bank, the United Nations’ Food and Agriculture Organisation and the […]

Chinese Foreign Direct Investment in Canada: Threat or Opportunity?

Executive Summary This paper weaves together analysis of two issues of central interest to Canada as Chinese outward foreign direct investment (FDI) grows to be a major force in the international economy. First, what is the impact of Chinese FDI […]

Ambiguity and Illusion in China’s Economic Transformation: Issues for Canadian Policy Makers and Business

Executive Summary Over the past decade, China has demonstrated that it has emerged from its long sleep. Modernization, urbanization, and marketization are taking place at a dizzying pace. With a population of more than 1.3 billion and a rapidly growing […]

Energy-Wise Canada: Building a Culture of Energy Conservation

Executive Summary A key driver of Canada’s future prosperity, and a source of comparative advantage for the country, is our diverse array of energy resources. By combining smart government policy with private sector commitment and innovation, Canada can demonstrate to […]