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Annual Report 2013/2014

Leadership is… The Canadian Council of Chief Executives brings CEOs together to shape public policy in the interests of a stronger Canada and a better world. Message from the Chair At its core, free enterprise is about hope, about providing […]

Trans-Pacific Partnership: What’s in it for Canada?

The Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) was conceived in 2003 by Singapore, New Zealand and Chile to enhance economic integration in the Asia-Pacific region. Since then, the negotiations have expanded to include Brunei, the US, Peru, Australia, Vietnam, Malaysia, Canada, Mexico and […]

Think nationally, act locally: A pan-Canadian strategy for education and training

Executive Summary Why should Canadians build a national education strategy? What would it look like? How can we construct it? What role should business play in that strategy? These questions are central to optimising learning conditions nationwide. This analysis will […]

Canada-China relations: keeping up the momentum

Introduction China will be crucial to Canada’s economic future over the next 50 years. China is, and will remain, Canada’s 2nd largest national two-way trade partner after the United States. In every sector, from government to business to the daily […]

Canada’s International Education Strategy

Introduction – A Tale of Two Countries A quick glance at the official websites promoting Canada and Australia to foreign students is all it takes to know which country is doing the better job of drumming up interest around the […]

Made in the world: defragmenting rules of origin for more efficient global trade

Executive Summary In the past, goods were manufactured in one country and exported to another. Today, cross-border supply chains encompass multiple enterprises located in various sites around the world. Three-quarters of international trade, close to 15 trillion dollars, moves along […]

First Annual Total Tax Contribution Survey

Executive Summary The purpose of the survey is to show the tax contribution of large businesses to public finances in Canada and provide insight into the complexity of the tax system. The Total Tax Contribution survey of CCCE members has […]

Skills shortages in Canada

Introduction During October and November of 2013, the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) surveyed its member companies on their skills needs and human resource priorities. Topics they were asked to address included: skills and attributes that matter most when […]

Canada’s trade with Mexico: Where we’ve been, where we’re going and why it matters

Introduction By 2030, Mexico is likely to be the world’s 8th largest economy. As an engine of growth and a platform for North America’s global competitiveness, Mexico provides Canadian businesses with the cost and demand advantages of an emerging market […]

Effective Management of Human Capital in Schools: Recommendations to Strengthen the Teaching Position

Introduction There is much to be proud of in Canada’s system of public education. Over the past decade, the national high school graduation rate has risen from 72 per cent to 78 per cent (Statistics Canada, 2012a), an increase that […]