All Reports

Sixth Annual Total Tax Contribution Survey

Foreword Economic growth bolsters public finances  The sixth annual Total Tax Contribution survey, which included more than half of the Business Council of Canada’s 150 members for the 2017 fiscal year, provides new insight into the role that large Canadian […]

Competitiveness Scorecard

Countries compete globally for talent, investment, and opportunity. To understand how Canada compares and competes with its peers, Deloitte analyzed more than 500 data points across a set of 12 key countries: US, UK, Sweden, Italy, Mexico, Netherlands, South Korea, […]

National data and digital consultations roundtable report

Introduction Digital technologies are advancing at a rapid pace, with important implications for our economy and society. We are generating ever-larger amounts of data about ourselves and the world around us, and our ability to collect, store, and make sense […]

Principles for a responsible and innovative data economy

Data is changing our economy New technologies allow us to gather and make sense of ever-larger amounts of data, enabling smarter, faster decisions that can improve the lives of Canadians. The challenge is to get the right data to the […]

Annual Report 2017/2018

The next generation of Canadian business leaders is taking on the world Who We Are The Business Council of Canada brings CEOs together to shape public policy in the interests of a stronger Canada and a better world. 150 chief […]

The Impacts of US Tax Reform on Canada’s Economy

Executive Summary Our mandate PricewaterhouseCoopers, LLP (“PwC”, “we” or “us”) was engaged by the Business Council of Canada to estimate the impact of the United States Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (“US tax reform” or the “Act”) on the Canadian […]

Fifth Annual Total Tax Contribution Survey

Foreword Welcome to the fifth annual Total Tax Contribution survey of Business Council of Canada members. Eighty-seven of Canada’s largest businesses provided tax data for the 2016 fiscal year, demonstrating the significant contribution these large businesses make to public finances […]

Navigating Change

Executive Summary Advancements in technology are changing today’s work environment at an ever-increasing pace. Nevertheless, Canadian organizations recognize the ongoing need for the “human touch” and are taking steps to ensure they have employees with the necessary skills and attributes. […]

The investment environment in Canada: survey of business leaders

Between July 26 and August 18, 2017, the Business Council of Canada conducted an online survey of its members to gauge their perspectives on the Canadian investment environment. A total of 61 business leaders took part in the survey. Asked […]

Annual Report 2016/2017

About the CouncilFounded in 1976, the Business Council of Canada is the senior voice of Canada’s business community, representing 150 chief executives and leading entrepreneurs in all sectors and regions of the country. Member companies employ 1.7 million Canadians, account […]