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Prosperity, Freedom and Security

World Trade Policy at a Crossroads The world is at a crossroads in trade policy. We can take the road to greater liberalization and harmony in multilateral relations, or we risk moving back into a world governed by power politics. […]

The Kyoto Protocol Revisited: A Responsible and Dynamic Alternative for Canada

The Need to Revisit the Kyoto Protocol The enhancement of the environment in Canada and the world and the attainment of improved standards of living for Canadians and global citizens are cornerstones of the mandate of the Canadian Council of […]

Magnetic North: Powering Canada’s Growth

Executive Summary Canada’s relatively weak economic growth and currency in the 1990s led to persistent underperformance by Canadian equities. Even as foreign investors picked off bargains, Canadians seemed to lose faith in the ability of companies based here to deliver […]

Climate Change: A Strategy for Voluntary Business Action

The issue of potential global climate change is one of the most pressing on the international environmental agenda. For Canada, the issue is particularly important given the energy-intensive nature of our economy and our reliance on energy and other resource […]

Towards a Sustainable and Competitive Future

“Moving governments, corporations and citizens in the direction of sustainable development will be a massive undertaking. It is not possible to foresee precisely the shape of that undertaking from our vantage point. It will require commitment, both personal and institutional, […]

Taxation Policy Reform in Canada: A Report of the Task Force on Taxation Policy

INTRODUCTION “Taxes are what we pay for a civilized society.” Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr. In recent years citizens have become increasingly frustrated by a tax system which they perceive as burdensome, difficult to understand, and in many respects unfair. At […]

Deficits and National Debt: What They Mean to You

The case for taxation policy reform The Business Council believes that comprehensive reform of Canada’s taxation policies is an urgent priority. Why is it important? To begin with, many fear that the present tax system is having an adverse effect […]

National Deficits and Debt: Meeting the Challenge

What the experts are saying “Prudent economic and financial management demands government action now to stop the federal debt from growing faster than the economy. The need for such action is not a matter. of ideology. It is an inescapable […]

The Federal Deficit: Some options for expenditure reduction

Summary The Problem The federal government has been running annual deficits in excess of $10 billion since the mid-1970s. The 1981-82 recession led to a sharp rise in the deficit to around $30 billion, and according to Department of Finance […]

The Canada-United States trade relationship and the idea of a trade enhancement agreement

Introduction Interest in bilateral trade with the United States is growing in Canada for several reasons. There is, for example, widespread recognition that with the full implementation of the Tokyo Round tariff cuts by 1987, the tariff protection afforded many […]