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Budget 2021 is well-intentioned but government’s spending plans underscore need for strong economic growth

The 2021 federal budget includes a number of important initiatives that should contribute to job creation and recovery, the Business Council of Canada (BCC) says, but it lacks an overarching plan for long-term economic growth and competitiveness.  “There’s a lot […]

Net-zero goal will require partnership and a strong economy

Canada has the expertise, the resources and the know-how to achieve the government’s goal of net-zero emissions by 2050. But the country’s climate ambitions must be matched by an equal commitment to sustainable economic growth, according to the Business Council […]

A growing economy is essential to address Canada’s challenges

Canada’s leading businesses are urging the federal government to deliver a budget that focuses on long-term growth and job creation. “If we are serious about building back better, we must recognize that a stronger economy is fundamental to solving many […]

Canada’s sobering fiscal reality demands a growth strategy

For the latest research, analysis and perspective on business and policy in Canada, sign up for our newsletter today. Dear Friends, It’s been a roller coaster kind of a week. I am heartened by reports that several COVID-19 vaccine candidates are showing […]

Fiscal update must provide plan for recovery and growth

Business leaders will be looking to next week’s federal economic and fiscal update to address both the current health emergency and the longer term effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the Canadian economy. Stopping the spread of the coronavirus must […]

Business Council welcomes Robert Asselin and Michael Gullo to its leadership team

The Business Council of Canada is pleased to welcome Robert Asselin and Michael Gullo to its policy team beginning July 20.  Robert will join as Senior Vice President Policy providing leadership on the Council’s economic growth and economic recovery strategies, […]

Canadian-American Business Community Calls For Collaborative Response to COVID-19 Crisis, Unveils New Portal for Cross-Border Advocacy

May 21, 2020 – Today, 27 groups representing businesses and communities across Canada and the United States unveiled the following joint statement calling for continued strong cross-border cooperation, trade, and supply chains as a critical component of both countries’ COVID-19 […]

Business Council welcomes Amy Castle as Vice President of Communications

Ottawa, March 31, 2020 – The Business Council of Canada is pleased to welcome Amy Castle as its Vice President of Communications. This new position responds to the Council’s enhanced focus on strategic communications, along with its ongoing policy and advocacy […]

Policy recommendations to help Canadians benefit from the data economy

Ottawa, March 3, 2020 – Under the guidance of former Industry Minister, The Honourable James Moore, and an advisory board of experts, the Business Council of Canada has released its latest report Data Driven: Canada’s economic opportunity. As countries around the world […]

Budget 2020: Business groups call for economic growth plan

Ottawa, February 6, 2020 – Five of Canada’s leading business organizations are calling on Ottawa to ensure a better future for middle-class Canadians by embracing a comprehensive plan for economic growth in this year’s federal budget. “Without a strong economy, our […]