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Downtowns after lockdowns: how to revitalize Canada’s cities

A year into the COVID-19 pandemic, most of Canada’s downtowns remain eerily quiet. Millions of people continue to work from home, leaving office buildings close to empty  But Jon Love, founder and CEO of KingSett Capital, believes Canadian cities will bounce back after the pandemic.  The reason? Connection.  “We can connect digitally, but it’s so different […]

Beyond COVID: Powering a strong economic recovery

On April 19th Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland will unveil Canada’s first federal budget in more than two years – a budget she has described as the most significant of our lifetimes. What will it take to build a stronger, healthier […]

We have the foundation to succeed

In this rapidly changing world, Canada needs an economic plan that builds on the country’s strengths, addresses its weaknesses, and reduces the risks from future disruptions.  In late October the Business Council of Canada created a roadmap to help get […]

An acceleration of the digital world

What’s it like to start a new job in the middle of a global pandemic?  Claude Guay knows.  He became President and General Manager of IBM Canada last May.   Since then he’s been finding creative ways to connect with employees […]

Corporate Canada needs to look more like Canada

“Corporate Canada needs to look more like Canada.”  That’s the call to action from Jaqui Parchment.  As CEO of Mercer Canada she is one of only a very few Black women CEOs in the country.   She is also a Director of […]

Each day is truly a gift

In light of the COVID-19 emergency, we’ve temporarily suspended our regularly scheduled series of conversations with Canadian CEOs. But we’re not going away. Instead, we’re going to pivot to the health emergency itself. We’re going to explore the impact on […]

We’re business people, let’s figure it out

In light of the COVID-19 emergency, we’ve temporarily suspended our regularly scheduled series of conversations with Canadian CEOs. But we’re not going away. Instead, we’re going to pivot to the health emergency itself. We’re going to explore the impact on […]

I’ve seen how business relationships can lift a community and a person out of poverty into a place where they’re full of pride

In light of the COVID-19 emergency, we’ve temporarily suspended our regularly scheduled series of conversations with Canadian CEOs. But we’re not going away. Instead, we’re going to pivot to the health emergency itself. We’re going to explore the impact on […]

We’ve pulled the future forward here

In light of the COVID-19 emergency, we’ve temporarily suspended our regularly scheduled series of conversations with Canadian CEOs. But we’re not going away. Instead, we’re going to pivot to the health emergency itself. We’re going to explore the impact on […]

We will come out of this stronger

In light of the COVID-19 emergency, we’ve temporarily suspended our regularly scheduled series of conversations with Canadian CEOs. But we’re not going away. Instead, we’re going to pivot to the health emergency itself. We’re going to explore the impact on […]