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Does the Fall Economic Statement pass the test?

As published in The Hub In the current economic landscape, Chrystia Freeland’s Fall Economic Statement needed to pass two basic tests: 1) reassuring financial markets that the Canadian government understands the need for fiscal prudence; and 2) making Canada more competitive in the wake of a reinvigorated American industrial strategy.  In both cases, we are dangerously close […]

As clocks fall back, our economy needs help to spring forward

For the latest research, analysis and perspective on business and policy in Canada, sign up for our newsletter today. Dear Friends, As Chrystia Freeland said yesterday in her fall economic statement, Canada is “at a pivotal moment.” The challenges confronting our country […]

U.S.’s Indo-Pacific framework needs to include Canada

As published in the Financial Post Foreign Affairs Minister Mélanie Joly says the government’s long-awaited Indo-Pacific Strategy will be released by the end of the year — perhaps as soon as this month. Among many things Canada’s business leaders will […]

Protecting Canadians against evolving threats to economic security 

In a joint op-ed in The Hill Times with Mark Agnew, Trevor Neiman calls on the federal government to equip the Canadian Security Intelligence Service with the intelligence-sharing powers needed to protect Canadians from evolving threats.   “At a time when […]

Canada’s economic future requires a new approach to science and research

As published in the Globe and Mail Sixty years ago, president John F. Kennedy delivered a bold speech at Rice University in Houston. He challenged his fellow Americans to lead on space exploration and be the first country to land a man […]

A busy start to fall

For the latest research, analysis and perspective on business and policy in Canada, sign up for our newsletter today. Dear Friends, Over the past few weeks students have returned to classrooms across the country, looking forward to a year of uninterrupted in-person […]

Canada needs to prioritize joining Biden’s Indo-Pacific trade agreement

As published in The Globe and Mail When U.S. President Joe Biden launched the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity (IPEF) back in May, many were surprised Canada wasn’t among the economic agreement’s founding members. Canada, like the United States, is […]

Chrystia Freeland is right on ‘friend-shoring.’ Our allies need Canada to help reduce dependence on Russian energy

As published in the Toronto Star During Janet Yellen’s first visit to Canada in June as U.S. treasury secretary, she and Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland again discussed “friend-shoring” — the idea Canada must prioritize trade with countries which share our values. […]

Clean electricity is a must-have for business — and for Canada’s economic prosperity

As published by Canada’s National Observer How clean is your company’s electrical grid? This isn’t a question that the chief financial officers of Canadian manufacturers are used to having to answer. But that’s changing fast. In the face of global […]

North American resiliency depends on a strong trade agreement

As published in the series, “USMCA AT 2: Visions for the next steps,” by the Brookings Institution. This July marks the second anniversary of a modernized North American trade pact, and yet all three signatories to the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement […]