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We all must work together to ensure a cleaner, more sustainable future

This is the final article in a 5-part LinkedIn series focused on how Canada can develop a long-term, sustainable and inclusive strategy for economic growth. Last week I discussed the importance of harnessing Canadian innovation to help solve the problems […]

Political platforms should be built on long-term goals

As published by Robert Asselin and Jean-François Perrault in The Globe and Mail When presenting their policy platforms in the federal election we’re all expecting soon, political parties may be tempted to focus on capturing headlines. Resisting short-termism is not […]

Canadian know-how can help us solve some of our biggest challenges

This is the fourth in a series of LinkedIn articles focused on Canada’s economic future and how we can build a more resilient country coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic. Last week I discussed Canada’s global competitiveness. This article looks […]

Going for gold: how Canada can succeed in the global economy

In this series of LinkedIn articles, I’ve been sharing my thoughts on how we can build a healthier, more sustainable and more successful Canada. Last week I outlined some key priorities to strengthen Canada’s human capital. Today, with the Olympic Games […]

Immigration is key to growing Canada’s digital economy

As published by New Canadian Media The digital economy is among Canada’s most powerful economic engines. Over the past decade, the digital economy grew roughly 40 per cent faster than – and generated almost four times as many jobs as – the […]

Investing in people will promote a stronger, healthier recovery and a better future

As published on LinkedIn Last week I wrote about the importance of making plans. With COVID-19 case counts falling, now is the time to talk about the kind of future we want for our country. I outlined four key pillars that must […]

Our short-term politics has left us unable to solve big problems

As published by the Hub We may soon have a federal election campaign before us. It comes at a time when Canada is facing a number of significant challenges — including an aging population, slow economic growth, climate change and […]

We’re beating back COVID. It’s time to focus on our future.

As published on LinkedIn If the summer of 2020 was a time of pandemic-inspired fear and uncertainty, the summer of 2021 is, for many Canadians, one of hope and optimism. A year ago, few imagined that the first COVID-19 vaccines […]

Building a foundation for Canada’s long-term success

For the latest research, analysis and perspective on business and policy in Canada, sign up for our newsletter today. Dear Friends, Like many of you, I’m reflecting this week on Canada’s complex and sometimes troubling past. But I’m also thinking about the […]

Six principles to help lead Canada to a net-zero economy

As published by the C.D. Howe Institute From: John Dillon and Michael GulloTo: Canada’s PolicymakersDate: May 27, 2021Re: Six Principles to Help Lead Canada to a Net-Zero Economy Climate change represents one of the most urgent public policy challenges facing Canadians today. Fortunately, we […]