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A ‘Team Canada’ approach to clean economy leadership

As published in Policy Magazine Climate change is a challenge that we are all facing together, in Canada and around the world. Progress can only be achieved through action, bringing together diverse and innovative technology solutions and a policy, regulatory, […]

Providing opportunities for women entrepreneurs

Stacey Madge emphasizes the importance of supporting women-owned small businesses in local communities. She shares her perspective in Visa Canada’s announcement of the latest She’s Next Grant Program that offers $10,000 and access to mentorship by experts from York University […]

Investing in employee education and sustainability

Faisal Kazi believes that employers have a responsibility in supporting workers to implement green initiatives and sustainability in the workplace. He shares his perspective with The Globe and Mail as part of its special series “Canada’s Greenest Employers of 2023.” […]

We need to resolve all trade disputes under the USMCA continental free-trade pact

As published in The Globe and Mail Friday marked a historic moment in the North American railway and supply chain landscape. The first truly transcontinental railway in North America, Canadian Pacific Kansas City (CPKC), commenced operations as we completed the […]

Creating EV jobs of the future

Bev Goodman believes that Canada’s talented workforce will help accelerate the country’s transition toward manufacturing next-generation EVs. She shares her perspective in Ford Motor Company’s announcement that it is transforming its Oakville Assembly Complex into a Canadian hub of electric […]

Your postal code should not determine your economic future

As published in The Financial Post Canada finds itself on the cusp of something big. A combination of market forces, societal trends, and technological developments is creating new economic opportunities in smaller and rural communities. Most recently, the COVID-19 pandemic, […]

Why Canada needs to get its act together on regulation

In the Financial Post’s new Conversations series, Ivan Vella speaks with editor-in-chief Kevin Carmichael about how faster, more streamlined regulation can both boost Canada’s competitiveness and help the country reach its climate objectives.  “We’ve got to go fast…For me, the […]

Securing Canadian-made nuclear energy for our net-zero future

Tim Gitzel and Mike Rencheck believe that clean, safe and secure Canadian-made nuclear energy can both bring about long-term stability and help Canada achieve its net-zero targets. They shared their perspectives in a press release announcing the extension of Cameco […]

Unearthing one of Canada’s biggest economic and climate opportunities

As published in The Globe and Mail The question of how to revive growth is at the top of the list for government and business leaders everywhere. Even more important is how to combat climate change while doing so. Perhaps […]

The evolution of the manufacturing industry

Linda Hasenfratz reflects on her leadership journey and Linamar’s efforts to promote diversity and inclusion in the workplace. She shares her perspective in EY’s Leading Women in Manufacturing video series.  “Diversity and inclusion has been a really important part of […]