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Enbridge Annual General Meeting

“There’s no reason that we shouldn’t be able to pursue energy exports and global emission reduction at the same time. Yet, we are squandering this opportunity, there’s no doubt about that, while our largest trading partner across the border capitalizes […]

Building climate resilience will reap rewards – for our people and our economy

As posted on LinkedIn Climate change is often viewed solely as an environmental issue, when it is equally an economic one. I know this, because I see its impacts every day on our customers, on our communities and frankly – […]

How the communications industry fuels Canada’s economic prosperity and drives innovation

“The next 12 or 24 months will define and dictate the future of digital evolution in Canada. We have an opportunity to lead in that area. More than ever, it’s a critical time for us to step up and create […]

Navigating the Energy and Work Transitions Simultaneously

“Canadians are very slow. We like to talk. We take years to do what others do in months. Australia is fast. They feel the heat of China.” Dawn Farrell As published by the Public Policy Forum.

Ensuring Canada’s Future Prosperity and Competitiveness

“Today, we can rightly be proud of where we are as a country, but we have an opportunity to think ambitiously and nationally in three key areas to ensure our future prosperity.” Victor Dodig, President and CEO, CIBC As published by the Public Policy Forum.

A roadmap for a prosperous Canada

As posted on LinkedIn This morning, I was proud to mark RBC’s 150th anniversary and address shareholders at our Annual General Meeting in Halifax. The foundation of our bank’s success can be traced back to our origins in Nova Scotia’s capital. Since […]

Canada has ‘lost brand value over past few years’

“We’ve lost a bit of our brand value over the past few years.At one point we were the darling of the world, this was where everyone wanted to invest. So, we’ve lost a bit of that. But these things go […]

Calgary Chamber of Commerce Remarks: Why We Must Say ‘Yes’ To Big Ideas

As posted on LinkedIn. Today, I had the honour of delivering remarks at a luncheon hosted by the Calgary Chamber of Commerce. I spoke about the Bank’s commitment to the province, and to the industries that enrich our lives and greatly […]

‘We’re squandering an opportunity’: CEOs of RBC and Enbridge urge action on energy strategy

We risk ceding that dividend to others instead of taking control of it and building the world around us that we envision, not letting others do that.”  Dave McKay “We’ve got all these pieces. We’ve got to put them together, […]

Canada should be the best place in the world to invest

From a speech given by Chuck Magro, President and Chief Executive Officer of Nutrien, to the Greater Saskatoon Chamber of Commerce on Feb. 21, 2019. Nutrien and many of the businesses represented by the people in this room have been […]