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Building a strong future for Canadians

“We need to move beyond division and put our country, our communities and our children first.” Don Lindsay, President and CEO, Teck Resources Limited

Uncomfortable climate change realities from an energy executive

“The complex reality is that climate change is real, and some portion of oil and gas will be needed through the decades-long energy transition. Canadian energy is among the most responsibly produced in the world and is well-positioned to supply […]

Why Canada needs to think “small” on trade and economic growth

As posted on LinkedIn. From forestry to AI technology, Canada has plenty of large industries driving our success. But when it comes to our economic growth and our ability to compete on the global stage, we often miss the opportunity […]

Why immigration is key to Canada’s innovation agenda

As posted on LinkedIn. Last month, Canadians went to the polls to vote on the future of our country. During the campaign, the parties focused on issues like health care, affordability and climate change—no surprise.                                                                                                     But as these issues […]

The Trans Mountain expansion is nation-building, pure and simple

As published by the Globe and Mail. Canada’s energy sector is our country’s “family business.” Even if we don’t work in it, we benefit from it economically and socially – and have for generations. The industry supports more than 800,000 […]

Diversity: Corporate Canada just needs to get on with it

“As a leader, when you walk into a room, take a moment to think about how it feels for that lone woman at the table. To have a room full of men stop talking about last night’s game just because […]

The Importance of Canada’s Energy Sector

As published by CBC Good afternoon. It’s a pleasure to be here with you today, at an important time for Alberta and our country. We live in a nation that has been built on natural resources. The energy sector, in […]

Canada’s work force needs to take hold of its immigration advantage

As published by the Globe and Mail. The global economy is going through a profound transformation. Game-changing technology is driving the digital era, causing many industries to reshape and reform. Real-world applications of artificial intelligence, AR/VR and machine learning are […]

We need to lower the barriers to newcomers so others can follow in her footsteps.

“All of us have a role to play in helping newcomers unlock and leverage the skills and experience they bring to our country. But it starts with business leaders realizing that diversity and immigration is crucial to our success.” Rola […]

Canada’s Opportunity in Energy Leadership

Mired in misinformation and misunderstandings As published by ViewPoint Research. In his address to the Economic Club of Canada in Toronto , Mac Van Wielingen, founding partner of ARC Financial, highlighted Canada’s opportunity in energy leadership: “We need a complete […]