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Canada can be a leader in the global electric-car battery market

“From our natural resources to our highly skilled workforce, Canada is poised to create a sustainable value chain for battery materials and become a world leader in EV battery manufacturing – but has it done enough to plant an early […]

It’s time to turn talk into action when it comes to mental health

As published by the Globe and Mail. Today marks the 10th anniversary of Bell Let’s Talk Day. Looking back to its beginning, few could have anticipated how this uniquely Canadian initiative would so capture the attention of the nation and […]

Why companies need to build privacy into everything they do

As published by the Globe and Mail. In our digital world, privacy has become a significant concern for Canadian consumers, businesses and governments. New and emerging technologies are shaping the way we create, store and share electronic information, which in […]

A call to action on Venezuela

As published by the National Post. There is a failed state at the heart of our hemisphere. Once the richest and most stable democracy in Latin America, Venezuela’s democracy, economy and society have collapsed in recent years, in that order. […]

Innovation and new technologies: key drivers of economic growth and sustainability

As posted on LinkedIn. I’ve always believed that innovation and technology are critical drivers behind economic growth and sustainability. Companies, governments, universities and other organizations can either facilitate and accelerate this trend, and contribute to improved economic growth and employment […]

Work-Based Learning: Why You Have to Get With The Program

As published by Forbes. When I was an engineering student at the University of Waterloo, some people wondered why I’d choose a program that took an extra year compared to other universities. My program “interrupted” instructional time with six four-month […]

Is your employee well-being strategy reaching its full potential? If not, here’s how to reach for the gold standard

As published by the Globe and Mail. As the new year approaches, expect to hear more of what we’ve been learning in recent years about employee well-being as a strategic factor in creating a high-performing work force. Countless studies tell […]

To compete globally, Canada needs to be a leader in the innovation economy

As published by The Hill Times. Canada’s biggest asset resides in its human capital. We have the best post-secondary attainment rate amongst G7 countries and an immigration system that has proven to be one of the successful in the world. […]

On foreign aid, the world needs a lot more Canada

“The world still needs more Canada. It’s time for our country to walk the talk, taking leadership in building a better world.” Craig Kielburger As published by After the Korean War, South Korea was mired in poverty. The average […]

Canada slips in latest competitiveness ranking

As posted on LinkedIn. The new government’s Speech from the Throne on December 5th offers an opportunity to lay out a vision for Canada’s future. Last month, the World Economic Forum (WEF) released the newest edition of the Global Competitiveness Index, […]