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Canadian companies must continue to innovate

As published by the Globe and Mail. It’s been four months since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a global pandemic and we had our first encounter with widespread ‘social distancing.’ This virus has greatly impacted every person and organization […]

It’s time for Indigenous Peoples to be at the centre of Canada’s economy

As published on LinkedIn When more than 1.5 million people are pushed to the periphery of economic life, we cannot expect Canada to thrive and prosper. Nor can we say our country is truly inclusive, when so many of our […]

Canada caught in the crossfire of a new era of economic power politics

As published by the Globe and Mail. Canadians are often unfamiliar with the concept of “geo-economics,” but recent international events prove that we should learn more about what it means for Canada. Growing tensions with China over the extradition of […]

Each day is truly a gift

In light of the COVID-19 emergency, we’ve temporarily suspended our regularly scheduled series of conversations with Canadian CEOs. But we’re not going away. Instead, we’re going to pivot to the health emergency itself. We’re going to explore the impact on […]

How technology can underpin Canada’s postpandemic economy

“We have the potential to create the world’s most virtually advanced business sector – a resilient and self-reliant economy backed by “made in Canada” tech infrastructure and assets.” As published by the Globe and Mail. Our technology infrastructure has played […]

Ongoing investment in strong communications networks is vital for economic recovery

As published by the Financial Post. The global pandemic has reminded us that Canadians are resilient, resourceful and compassionate. Only time will allow us to fully appreciate the truly heroic work done by so many over the past months — […]

We have flattened the curve, now what?

Originally published in The Globe and Mail. Linda S. Hasenfratz is chief executive officer of Linamar Corp.Donald R. Lindsay is president and chief executive officer of Teck Resources Ltd.Galen G. Weston is executive chairman of Loblaw Companies Ltd. Canadians should be proud […]

Where we stand: Diversity and inclusion must be the chief executive’s responsibility

As published by the Globe and Mail. I wrote a letter to Lightspeeders on Tuesday June 2 [addressing George Floyd’s murder]. I think it’s a moment where we all collectively felt enough is enough, whether or not it’s in our […]

Canada’s oil sands are best positioned to lead the energy transformation

As published by the Corporate Knights. Supercharged by the influx of petroleum revenues, royalties and associated taxes, the future seemed limitless. Then we hit a state of crisis. A lack of pipeline capacity shut in much of Alberta’s oil, and […]

The Current for March 17, 2020

“There is absolutely no room for complacency – none – and whether it’s the government leaders or business leaders, we all have to set the tone here to deal with this public health crisis. It’s absolutely critical that we act […]