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Moving to low-carbon mobility technology

Swamy Kotagiri believes in the importance of sustainable practices to address issues of climate change and the energy transition. He shares his perspective in a press release announcing Magna’s commitment to reaching net-zero status by 2050 through Science Based Targets […]

Making EVs more accessible for Canadians

Bev Goodman highlights the importance of investing in EV production in North America. She shares her perspective in a press release announcing the investment of $1.2 billion to build a cathode manufacturing plant in Bécancour, Québec that will supply materials […]

Canada must learn the success of U.S. energy policy and the failure of Europe’s

As published in The Globe and Mail However beautiful the strategy, a wise person once said, you should occasionally look at the results. Nowhere do those words ring truer than in the European energy transition.In recent years, it had shifted […]

Having the right policy mix to power a cleaner future 

Jon McKenzie believes that having the right policies in place can increase investments in new technologies that boost Canadian competitiveness while helping Canada reach its climate goals. He shares his perspective in a feature interview with Carbon Economist about Cenovus’ […]

Sustainability is good for business

Dave McCann believes a sustainability strategy should be a priority for Canadian CEOs and business leaders. He shares his perspective in an interview with BNN Bloomberg about the findings of IBM’s recent CEO survey. “Canadian CEOs are seeing that sustainability […]

When allies seek Canada’s natural gas, we say ‘sorry’ – that has global consequences

As published in The Globe and Mail When global allies have come knocking on Canada’s door seeking secure sources of energy – specifically, exports of responsibly produced natural gas – our response has been typically Canadian: “Sorry.” Last year, Germany […]

Collaboration to expand clean nuclear energy

Mike Rencheck highlights that nuclear power can provide Ontario with the clean energy it needs to advance economic development, Indigenous economic reconciliation and climate action. He shares his perspective in a press release about Bruce Power partnering with the Ontario […]

Doubling Down on the North American Advantage

As published on LinkedIn Over the past year, the world has become a more fragmented and uncertain place. Geopolitical challenges faced today are not those of the 1980’s; they cannot be contained by lines on a map, nor can the […]

Producing zinc sustainably and responsibly

Jonathan Price highlights the importance of producing zinc responsibly and sustainably to aid in decarbonization efforts. He shares his perspective in a press release announcing Teck Trail Operations being the first stand-alone zinc processing site to receive the Zinc Mark. […]

Partnership between industry, government, researchers and Indigenous Peoples  

Mike Rencheck believes that partnerships between between industry, government, researchers and Indigenous Peoples can help Canada build a world-class medical isotope ecosystem. He shares his perspective in a press release announcing a partnership between the government of Canada, Bruce Power, and […]