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Additional tool to fighting the pandemic

Jean François Gagné, CEO of Element AI and co-chair of the COVID-19 Exposure Notification App Advisory Council, joined Her Excellency the Right Honourable Julie Payette for a live discussion as part of the #GGconversations series. He discussed the importance for all Canadians to […]

Lead Canada forward to achieve its economic and climate change objectives

Speaking to the Empire Club of Canada on October 14th, Bruce Power President & CEO Mike Rencheck announced his company’s Net-Zero 2050 plan.  The goal of this strategy is to contribute to a net zero Canada, while growing the economy and […]

Make second-wave support for small business targeted and workable

As published in the Financial Post After months of warnings, the second wave of COVID-19 has arrived and Canadians are gearing up for another long fight against the virus. One of the biggest lessons we can take from the first […]

We can and must do more to help

As published in The Globe and Mail. Bharat Masrani is group president and CEO of TD Bank Group and chair of this year’s United Way Greater Toronto campaign As COVID-19 cases continue to rise, the economic divide is deepening. The […]

Need for speed on domestic construction projects

Ian Edwards, President and CEO of SNC-Lavalin Group Inc., was interviewed by The Globe and Mail‘s Andrew Willis on the topic of infrastructure and Canada’s economic recovery. He emphasized the need for a more collaborative approach with government and industry […]

Ushering in the fifth generation of digital communications

As published by the Public Policy Forum’s Policy Speaking podcast. Joe Natale, President & CEO at Rogers Communications, joined Ed Greenspon on the Public Policy Forum’s podcast to discuss the future of mobile tech, bridging the digital divide, and how […]

How do you create corporate purpose in light of COVID-19?

As published by the Globe and Mail The concept of corporate purpose has rapidly crept into the mainstream in recent years as consumers, governments, regulators, investors and businesses themselves grapple with the role that business has in defining and addressing […]

Green Recovery 101: Governments and the manufacturing sector must work together

As published by Canada’s National Observer. The stakes are high for the economic recovery, but it has never been higher for the Canadian manufacturing industry. What the federal government does in the months following the long-awaited throne speech has the […]

Is Agriculture The Way Out Of Canada’s COVID-19 Recession?

As published by the Bay Street Bull. Humans are terrible multitaskers. In fact, science says we’re completely incapable of it, and yet right now we’re tasked with solving some of humanity’s biggest problems all at once. If living through this year’s health crisis wasn’t […]

Canada should increase financial support for child care to help women return to the work force

As published by the Globe and Mail. The Prime Minister has promised an ambitious plan to set Canada on a path to recovery from the staggering economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. One of the key components of such a […]