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Our food is at risk, too. Here’s how we prevent the next plant pandemic

As published on LinkedIn Within a few short months, a virus that began in one city quickly spread, overwhelming hospitals and wreaking havoc on economies and social structures worldwide. We now know just how interconnected we are and how quickly […]

Going digital increases efficiency and quality

In a press release announcing upgrades to the Tenaris facility in Sault Ste. Marie, Ricardo Prosperi highlighted the need for greater efficiency and quality in pipe manufacturing as the motivating factor behind the company’s digitalization efforts. We continue to invest […]

Supporting Indigenous-owned businesses

In the announcement outlining Facebook Canada’s $500,000 investment in the Canadian Council of Aboriginal Business to provide funds and technical support for Indigenous-owned businesses, Garrick Tiplady emphasized the importance of this initiative during these challenging times. We know Indigenous-owned businesses […]

Digitization is the way of the future

In an interview with Catherine Murray on BNN Bloomberg, Michele Romanow voiced her concern about the lack of incentives in the federal government’s Fall Economic Statement that would encourage small businesses to enter the world of e-commerce. She pointed out […]

Talent at the core of Canada’s digital economy

As published in The Future Economy on October 1, 2020 Canada’s Tech Industry   Despite the challenges that we are facing right now, and they are big, but they are also providing a huge opportunity for digital transformation, and I am so bullish on […]

Fast forward

As published in the Globe and Mail’s December 2020 edition of Report on Business magazine We will look at this as a pivotal moment in business and society. I became president and general manager of IBM Canada in April, in […]

Driving sustainability in agriculture

In a press release describing Nutrien’s new carbon-reduction program, Chuck Magro emphasized the need for a crop-to-table effort to reduce emissions while also ensuring food certainty for a growing population. Addressing climate change is critically important and we believe the […]

Leading through momentous change

In a feature interview in The Globe and Mail, Lisa Lisson discusses the effect of the recent rapid acceleration of e-commerce on business, how a culture of valuing people first has helped ensure diversity and inclusion in her company, and […]

Corporate citizenship needed now more than ever

In a feature interview for The Globe and Mail, David McKay discusses the importance of supporting small businesses, improving his company’s corporate culture, and establishing work-integrated learning opportunities for young Canadians. “Main Street is what makes this country go. They […]

More collaboration needed between the biopharmaceutical sector and government

As published on Pfizer Canada is proud of our collaboration with the Government of Canada to respond to COVID-19. Throughout we have had the common goal of effectively managing the current hospitalization crisis to the best extent possible while […]