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Inspiring the next generation

Following the news that the Canadian Space Agency and NASA have signed the Gateway Treaty — confirming Canada’s role in the Lunar Gateway space station and securing a spot for a Canadian astronaut on a mission around the moon — […]

Zero carbon aluminium

In the news release announcing the completion of construction on the ELYSIS Industrial Research and Development Center in Saguenay-Lac-Saint-Jean, Québec, Alf Barrios highlighted the importance of this milestone in achieving the objective of zero carbon aluminium and reducing Canada’s carbon […]

The future is bright

Following the announcement by the federal government of its new plan to fight climate change, Tim Gitzel joined BNN Bloomberg to explain why nuclear energy is critical for meeting Canada’s targets. He also emphasized the measures Cameco has taken to […]

Leading the way to sustainable and renewable energy

Following the announcement by the federal government of its new climate plan, TransAlta Corporation was listed as an industry leader in climate change management by the Climate Disclosure Project. In the press release, Dawn Farrell pointed out that there are […]

A wall of money

In a wide ranging interview with the Financial Post‘s Barbara Shecter, Mark Machin discusses the outlook for Canada’s economic recovery and the long term global implications of the pandemic. He emphasized the opportunity for governments to raise revenue by selling […]

Canada is full of potential

In an interview with The Future Economy, Alex Pourbaix highlights how the push for cleaner and greener energy is transforming Canada’s energy sector and is leading to growth in other parts of the country’s economy. He maintains a positive outlook […]

Partner with government to develop Canada’s pharmaceutical sector

Upon the first delivery of Pfizer’s COVID-19 vaccines to Canada, Cole Pinnow spoke with Mercedes Stephenson on Global’s “The West Block” about the positive impact it will have in the fight against the virus and what we can do better […]

Pursuing carbon neutrality

In an interview with the Financial Post‘s “Down to Business” podcast, Michael McCain explains the ways Maple Leaf Foods is striving to fulfill its goal of becoming the first major food company in the world to be carbon neutral and […]

Canada can’t afford not to be in space

As published in The Hill Times With investments in space paying strong dividends now and over the longer term, this sector is ready to play its part to help our country build back better. Mike Greenley, CEO of MDA Inc. […]

Canada’s FDI fundamentals: Political stability, economic environment and infrastructure

As published in The Future Economy on October 1, 2020 Current Operations and Future Investments in Canada   We have a long history in Canada, we stood for engineering excellence, innovation, reliability and quality since 1912 when the company was formed. So we […]