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Cyber resilience needs to be job #1

In a recent keynote address to OpenText’s Enfuse 2020 conference, Mark Barrenechea emphasized the importance of cyber resilience for businesses in the digital era. He pointed out that since the pandemic accelerated digitization, it has also brought the issue of […]

Continuing the push for progress and hope

In a blog entry, Art DeFehr explores how the pandemic has impacted broader movements for equality and social justice. He states that challenges can present opportunities for social entrepreneurs and business people. “As the world of pandemic and populism takes […]

Agriculture must rethink carbon to deliver natural climate solutions

As published by the World Economic Forum Carbon is no longer a liability, it’s an asset. While that may sound counter intuitive, this shift in mindset is a realistic way to create positive change around emissions. Agriculture can be a […]

Resilient companies innovate because of their people

In his keynote address to the Canadian Club of Toronto , Geoff Smith explained how empowering employees with trust and freedom to innovate has helped EllisDon stay on top of digitization and carbon-neutral initiatives. He emphasized that Canada has the […]

How we can upskill a work force to face the climate change crisis

Written by Claude Guay, published in the Globe and Mail Job roles and career paths have evolved steadily over the past century. Occupations we could never have imagined 50 or even 15 years ago are now commonplace. Bloggers, podcast producers, […]

Three things tech taught us in 2020

As published in Forbes To say 2020 has been a year of learning would be an understatement. Across every industry without exception, organizations and their executive leadership have had to reevaluate their core offerings, workplace culture, external and internal communications, […]

Navigating an uncertain future for businesses in 2021

As published in Bay Street Bull 2020 showed us how quickly the world can change. In just a few months, the global pandemic transformed the way we live, work, shop, and connect with each other. With a continued focus on […]

Reducing carbon emissions requires collaboration

In the announcement of the construction of a low-carbon fuels plant to be built in Varennes, Quebec, Michael Crothers points out that collaboration between industry and government will be critical for Canada to succeed in reducing its carbon emissions. “Building […]

Helping Canadians gain digital skills

In the news release announcing the launch of a new collaborative effort by Seneca College, Microsoft Canada and RBC to increase digital literacy skills in 6,000 students through Microsoft Azure Fundamentals workshops, Kevin Peesker emphasized the importance of connecting the […]

2021: A year of optimism

As published on LinkedIn by Anthony Viel I’m feeling energized and excited about the year ahead. Armed with all that we’ve learned from 2020, I believe now is the time to commit to a brighter future in 2021.  With that, […]