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We have to do better

In an episode of Black Enterprise’s “From The Corner Office” video series, Roy Gori speaks with host Earl “Butch” Graves Jr. about the steps Manulife has taken on its journey toward better diversity, equity and inclusion. “We have to do […]

We are only as strong as Canada is

Dave McKay reflects on the importance of Work Integrated Learning experiences in his own professional development and why more training opportunities for young people from all backgrounds helps to even the playing field. He shares this perspective in a wide-ranging […]

Position ourselves for the future

At the Canadian Chamber of Commerce’s Canada 360° Economic Summit, Penny Wise spoke on a panel about Canada’s role in the global recovery and emphasized the need for a long-term growth strategy. “We really need to think about how to […]

Rapid COVID-19 screening tests are sitting in Canadian warehouses. Governments and businesses need to collaborate to put them to use

Written by the Hon. John Manley, published in The Globe and Mail Canadians are tired. We have endured almost a year of lockdowns, red zones, yellow zones, physical distancing, masks and school closings. More than 20,000 Canadians have died, many […]

Improving inclusivity in the tech sector

In an episode of RBC’s Disruptors podcast hosted by John Stackhouse, Dax Dasilva explains how his company was built upon the importance of diversity and inclusion and how that informs the work Lightspeed POS employees perform everyday. “If you create […]

Reducing carbon intensity is good for everyone

Following Emera’s announcement that it will phase out all coal by 2040 and achieve net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, Scott Balfour explained to BNN Bloomberg how these policies align with both customers and government policymakers. “That strategy of working to […]

Taking healthcare digital

In an interview on BNN Bloomberg, Dean Connor explained how the pandemic pushed most of Sun Life’s operations online and raised the importance of virtual healthcare coverage. “Access to healthcare (a consult with a physician or a nurse) – delivered […]

Net zero is the goal

Following Stantec’s announcement of its goal to be carbon neutral in 2022 and reach net zero by 2030, Gord Johnston spoke to BNN Bloomberg about the specific steps the company has been taking to achieve these goals and improve the […]

Working together with our employees to promote diversity and inclusion

In the announcement of the launch of the $5 million Emera Diversity and Inclusion Fund, which supports organizations and initiatives advancing inclusion and diversity, Scott Balfour explains the importance of improving life for all people living in Nova Scotia and […]

Reflections on challenges and opportunities to achieving net zero

As published by Brian Porter on LinkedIn As Scotiabankers, we believe climate change is a critically important issue, impacting all people in all countries around the world. It is also an issue that we have and will continue to help […]