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Words of wisdom for women leaders

Dawn Farrell offers advice for women entrepreneurs and leaders: approach adversity with perseverance and endurance. In addition, she calls out organizations to do a better job at mentoring female employees. She shares her words of wisdom in a feature interview […]

The changing face of agriculture

Joelle Faulkner highlights the progress made in the agriculture sector because of greater inclusion of women in the management of farming operations across Canada. Her perspective was featured in an article by the Western Producer about a change in traditional […]

April 19 federal budget needs to send the right signals

Mark Little suggests that the upcoming federal budget needs to send the right signals to spur private sector investment and job creation. His perspective was shared with Heather Scoffield, economic columnist with the Toronto Star, following a CEO panel hosted […]

The journey to sustainability

Don Lindsay discusses the importance of setting both short-term and long-term goals as he reflects on Teck’s 20 years of tracking sustainability performance. “Teck is committed to responsibly providing the metals and minerals that the world needs for the transition […]

Supply chains need a rethink

Penny Wise’s view that Canada’s supply chains could be much more self-sufficient and should be planned out more strategically is featured by the Toronto Star. “One of the things I think that we need to change and look at from […]

Reflecting on a year of challenges, changes and growth

As posted by Arun Banskota on LinkedIn This weekend, I was reflecting on the many lessons we learned from navigating Covid-19 over the last 12 months. I joined Algonquin/Liberty in February 2020, and this one-year mark is also an important […]

How to prevent a financial pandemic when the COVID-19 pandemic ends

As published in The Globe and Mail At last, we are moving toward an inflection point in this pandemic as a growing number of Canadians receive vaccines. While we’ve always known that the path to recovery wouldn’t be a straight […]

Accelerating vaccination is key to getting the economy back on track

Marc Parent hopes that speedier vaccinations will help get Canada’s economy back on track. CAE announced it is working with the Quebec government to establish a vaccination centre, at its own expense, to allow for the vaccination of its employees […]

Adaptability is more important than resilience

Louis Vachon believes that companies need to change alongside society in order to remain competitive and have a lasting impact. In a feature interview with Forbes, he highlights authenticity and open communication as key leadership traits going into a new […]

Flying to net zero

Michael Rousseau emphasizes the importance of addressing climate change despite the challenges the pandemic has had on the airline sector. The comments were made in Air Canada’s announcement of its commitment to reduce emissions by 20 per cent over the […]