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Delivering our shared future

François Poirier emphasizes the importance of creating ambitious climate targets and following a roadmap to achieve them. He shares this perspective in TC Energy’s news release announcing targets to reduce GHG emissions intensity from operations by 30 per cent by 2030 […]

Walking the walk on clean growth

In the lead up to COP 26, Alex Pourbaix joins Kathleen Petty on CBC’s West of Centre podcast for a wide-ranging interview about the direction of the oil and gas industry and the future of energy in Canada. “If Canada […]

Canada can lead on the unfinished business of the Paris Agreement

As published in The Globe and Mail. As world leaders prepare to gather in Glasgow for the 26th United Nations Climate ChangeConference (COP26), it is time for Canadians to start paying attention. Our environment, economy and exports are all in […]

Canada needs a new playbook on climate

As published by Dave McKay in The Globe and Mail. As Canada prepares for next month’s historic UN climate summit in Glasgow, Scotland, we need to see climate as an opportunity to transform every sector of our economy. Our country’s […]

Bold, transformative change needed to reduce food insecurity in Canada

As published by Michael McCain in Policy Options. In a recent national survey, the number of Canadians going hungry ranked third among social issues people care about. Two-thirds believe that now is the time for government to seriously address social […]

The path to recovery

Michael Rousseau kicks off the 125th season of Canadian Club Toronto with a wide-ranging address on everything from the path for Canada to achieve a sustainable economic recovery to Air Canada’s work to address climate change and moving the needle […]

Cost-effective ways to improve your wellbeing from home

As published by Stephen Liptrap on LinkedIn One of the best parts of working from home throughout the past 19 months has been spending more time with my dog, Riley. Before the pandemic, I was travelling so often that I […]

Scaling successful farms and partnerships

Joelle Faulkner joins Dan Aberhart on the Growing the Future podcast to discuss how her business helps Canadian family farms scale up and deliver premium investor returns. She also shares fascinating insight into her approach to leadership and the importance […]

Why Canada should be the home of the new global sustainability standards board

As published by Mark Little and Charles-Antoine St-Jean in The Globe and Mail. Building on this country’s already strong leadership in sustainability and governance, Canada is proposing to host the new International Sustainability Standards Board (ISSB), established by the International […]

Recognizing the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation

As published by Victor Dodig on LinkedIn Over the past few years there have been many difficult conversations about the effects of systemic racism and what we can do both as individuals and as a community to build a culture […]