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The pandemic’s shadow crisis

Stephen Liptrap shines a light on the mental health implications of the pandemic and the long-term impact it might have on Canadians. He explores this important topic with Howard Green in the latest episode of the Toronto Star‘s interview series […]

Delivering clean aircraft technologies

Ian Edwards looks ahead to the future of aviation and emphasizes the need to deliver clean technologies to help that industry reduce its emissions. He shares this perspective in the announcement by SNC-Lavalin of a new strategic agreement with the […]

Investing in digital skills for our youth is key to Canada’s economic future

As published by Shannon Leininger on LinkedIn Conversation around Canada’s digital skills gap continues to pick up steam. In fact, I wrote about this topic not too long ago. And I’m often asked “Why?” Why is there a gap? And one key reason stands out – we are not doing enough to […]

The new space race is Canada’s to lose

As published by Mike Greenley in The Hill Times. Over the last several months, the world has witnessed a series of historic firsts in human spaceflight happening one after the other. In July, with the world watching, Virgin Galactic and […]

Investing in a low-carbon future

Ivan Vella highlights the importance developing and implementing more efficient and sustainable modes of production. He shares this perspective in Rio Tinto’s announcement that it is investing US$85 million to increase the low-carbon aluminium production with 16 new smelting cells […]

The right way to run a company

Geoff Smith kicks off “Connexion,” a new interview series by the Toronto Star hosted by Howard Green, with a wide-ranging conversation about everything from his family’s history to transitioning his company to become employee-owned and the innovation taking place in […]

Partnering with Indigenous communities to strengthen connectivity

As published by Kevin Peesker on Microsoft Canada’s News Centre site. In today’s digital era, broadband connections are indispensable. Broadband facilitates many of our most basic needs like access to healthcare, education and employment opportunities. Connectivity is a service that is as critical as a phone or electricity. Improved access […]

Innovative alliance aims to address Canadian oil sands GHGs

Bij Agarwal outlines a path to a net-zero future that recognizes the need to reduce emissions, operate responsibly and collaboration between industry and governments. He shares this perspective in the announcement that ConocoPhillips Canada has joined the Oil Sands Pathways […]

Achieving net zero

Kevin Strain calls climate change the defining issue of our time and lays out his company’s strategy for contributing to the solution. He shares this perspective in a video on LinkedIn as part of Sun Life’s announcement of its goal […]

Repositioning for the future

Éric Martel outlines his vision and mission for the future of Bombardier. Following his keynote address to Canadian Club Toronto, he joined Deborah Flint, President and CEO of the Greater Toronto Airports Authority, for a fireside conversation touching on a […]