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Letter to the Honourable William Morneau, P.C., M.P., Minister of Finance on Budget 2019

Dear Minister, As you and your colleagues prepare the upcoming federal budget, I would like to offer the following observations on behalf of Canada’s business leaders. The Canadian economy performed well in 2018 despite a number of headwinds including ongoing […]

Open Letter to Canada’s First Ministers: Time for Action on Internal Trade

Dear Prime Minister and Premiers, On behalf of the men and women who run many of Canada’s leading companies and largest employers, I am writing to offer support and encouragement as you prepare for this week’s First Ministers’ Meeting in […]

Letter to the Premier of Ontario on the White Pines wind project and Ontario’s business climate

Dear Premier, I am writing with respect to your government’s recent introduction of Bill 2, Urgent Priorities Act, 2018, and in particular the White Pines Wind Project Termination Act. Although the latter focuses on one specific renewable energy project, we are concerned about […]

Letter to the Hon. William Morneau, Minister of Finance, regarding U.S. 232 retaliation consultations on steel and aluminum tariffs

Dear Minister, The Business Council of Canada supports the government’s strategy in responding to the unjustified tariffs imposed by the U.S. Administration on steel and aluminum products. Canada must stand up for the interests of Canadians and in support of […]

Letter to Ontario’s Premier-designate Doug Ford

Dear Premier-designate, On behalf of Canada’s business leaders, I want to offer congratulations to you and the Progressive Conservative Party of Ontario on your victory in last week’s provincial general election. After 15 years of Liberal governments, the people of […]

Letter to the Finance Minister regarding U.S. tax reform

Dear Minister Morneau, For decades, successive federal governments have recognized the need to ensure that Canada’s business tax burden is competitive by international standards, particularly with respect to the rates imposed by our major trading partners. By definition, this requires […]

Letter to the President of the Treasury Board on Canada’s regulatory environment

Dear Minister Brison, I am writing to offer the support of the Business Council of Canada for your department’s efforts to modernize Canada’s regulatory environment. For decades, successive governments have worked to improve the way Canada develops and manages regulations, […]

Letter to the Minister of International Trade on the Trans-Pacific Partnership

Dear Minister Champagne, On behalf of the Business Council of Canada, I offer the following views on Canada’s participation in Trans-Pacific Partnership 11 (TPP 11) negotiations. The Business Council of Canada was an avid supporter of the original 12-member TPP […]

Letter to the Minister of Finance in response to Tax Planning Using Private Corporations Consultation Paper

Dear Minister Morneau, I am writing on behalf of the Business Council of Canada to express our views on the proposed measures outlined in your Tax Planning Using Private Corporations consultation paper. The Business Council strongly supports efforts to improve […]

Letter to the Premier of Ontario on the Fair Workplaces, Better Jobs Act, 2017

Dear Premier Wynne, Three years ago this week, I wrote to you on behalf of the Business Council of Canada to offer congratulations on your victory in the provincial general election. In my letter, I urged you to stay true […]