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Need for a consistent approach to facilitating travel

Letter from Goldy Hyder to the Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Health, calling for a consistent approach to facilitating travel both within Canada and internationally.  Dear Minister Hajdu, As business and community leaders, we share your commitment to keeping Canadians […]

Recommendations for Budget 2021

Dear Minister Freeland, As I write to you, the second wave of COVID-19 infections in Canada is subsiding, new daily hospitalizations are falling, and the country’s vaccination campaign is ramping up. For the first time since the onset of the […]

Partnership can save lives, preserve jobs and rebuild our economy

Dear Prime Minister and Premiers, As business and community leaders, we share your commitment to keeping Canadians safe and eliminating as soon as possible the threat posed by COVID-19. We are encouraged by the federal government’s assurances that, despite some […]

We stand for Line 5 and affordable, safe energy for Canadians

Line 5 is critical to Canada. It supplies roughly half of the oil used by Ontario and Quebec. It connects Alberta and Saskatchewan producers to vital markets in central Canada. It’s critical for jobs, our cost of living, the economy […]

Heads of six leading business associations call on premiers and provincial health officials for clear and consistent guidelines

Dear Premiers, On behalf of business leaders, entrepreneurs and employers across Canada, we are writing to stress the need for coherent and consistent direction and guidelines across all levels of government in the fight against COVID-19. With cases increasing at […]

A call for urgent and simultaneous action on two fronts

cc The Honourable Chrystia Freeland, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance Dear Prime Minister, When the COVID-19 emergency struck Canada eight months ago, business leaders across the country pledged to do everything in their power to protect their employees, […]

Canada’s business leaders congratulate Chrystia Freeland and offer their support during this crucial moment in the country’s economic history

Dear Minister, On behalf of Canada’s business leaders, I am writing to offer sincere congratulations on your appointment today as Canada’s new Minister of Finance. Since entering the federal Cabinet in 2015 and while serving in the portfolios of International […]

Letter to Finance Minister Morneau outlining measures to boost public confidence and help set the stage for a lasting economic recovery

Dear Minister, One hundred days ago, members of the Business Council of Canada published an open letter urging their counterparts across the country to join them in a shared battle against COVID-19. Businesses in all sectors were quick to step up. In […]

Open letter to the Prime Minister on support for Canada’s municipalities facing severe financial impact of COVID-19

Re: Support for Canada’s Municipalities facing severe financial impact of COVID-19 Dear Prime Minister: During this critical transition period for the Canadian economy, the Canadian Global Cities Council (CGCC) and the Business Council of Canada (BCC) have collaborated to provide […]

Open Letter to the Prime Minister and all Premiers on re-opening the doors of our provinces, territories and country

As a society, we have faced a threat like no other, COVID-19. And we are still dealing with it. Under the leadership of our governments, we agreed to implement tough decisions to protect our health and safety. We shut down […]