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Letter to the Prime Minister of Canada regarding NAFTA

Dear Prime Minister, As an association representing leading enterprises in every region of the country and every major sector, the Business Council of Canada is deeply concerned about the future of Canada’s trade partnership with the United States and Mexico.  […]

Letter to the Honourable Charles Sousa, Ontario Minister of Finance, on the 2017-2018 provincial budget

Dear Minister, I am writing on behalf of the Business Council of Canada to offer our perspective on the government’s fiscal situation and several priority recommendations for your upcoming fifth budget. First let me commend you on your determined efforts […]

Letter to the Prime Minister on President Trump’s economic agenda and the impact on Canadian competitiveness

Dear Prime Minister, On behalf of Canada’s business leaders, I am writing to commend you and your government for your skillful and forward-looking approach to Canada’s most important bilateral relationship. You have assembled an experienced, well-connected and resourceful group of […]

Letter to the Honourable Navdeep Bains regarding Canada’s innovation agenda

Dear Minister Bains, Congratulations on the extensive consultation process that you and your government successfully launched and executed over the summer. As you now turn to the difficult task of incorporating what you heard into your Innovation Agenda, it is […]

Letter to Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, President Barack Obama and President Enrique Peña Nieto regarding the North American Leaders Summit

Dear Prime Minister Trudeau, President Obama and President Peña Nieto: In anticipation of the upcoming North American Leaders Summit (NALS), we, on behalf of our organizations – the Business Roundtable, the Business Council of Canada, and the Consejo Mexicano de […]

2016 pre-budget letter to the Honourable Charles Sousa, Ontario Minister of Finance

Dear Minister Sousa, As an association of private sector leaders and large employers from across Canada, the Business Council of Canada is strongly committed to Ontario’s economic success. We are therefore encouraged by recent signs of a pickup in provincial […]

Letter to Justin Trudeau, Prime Minister-Designate

Dear Prime Minister-designate, On behalf of business leaders across the country, I write to congratulate you and the Liberal Party of Canada on your victory in this week’s national general election. After the longest federal campaign in more than 140 […]

Letter to the Right Honourable Stephen Harper, Prime Minister of Canada, regarding the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement

Dear Prime Minister, Canada is consistently ranked as one of the best countries in the world in which to live. Canadians enjoy the second-highest per capita GDP in the G-7, and our country has earned an enviable record on job […]

2015-16 pre-budget letter to the Honourable Joe Oliver, Minister of Finance

Dear Minister Oliver, As you and your colleagues draft the 2015-16 federal budget, I write to offer the following observations and recommendations on behalf of the 150 members of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives. Canada’s economy still faces significant […]

Letter to the Honourable Kathleen Wynne, Premier of Ontario

Dear Premier Wynne, I am writing on behalf of the Canadian Council of Chief Executives (CCCE) to offer our congratulations on your victory in the recent provincial election. You led the minority Liberal government deftly. As you move to implement […]