Engines of growth

A framework for igniting Canada’s engines of growth

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Goldy Hyder joined Don Martin on CTV’s Power Play to discuss CUSMA

Statement on CUSMA featured in Postmedia coverage

“We look forward to reviewing the text in detail, but after years of uncertainty it appears a modernized and enhanced North American trade agreement is finally ready to go before Parliament,” said Goldy Hyder, president and CEO of the Business […]

Goldy Hyder interview on USMCA agreement featured in CTV web story

On CTV’s Power Play, Goldy Hyder, president and CEO of the Business Council of Canada said that while they’ll wait to see the agreement and the details of the changes, the entire years-long ratification process can be summed up as: […]

Statement on CUSMA featured in Canadian Press coverage

“We look forward to reviewing the text in detail, but after years of uncertainty it appears a modernized and enhanced North American trade agreement is finally ready to go before Parliament,” said Goldy Hyder, president and CEO of the Business […]

Canada’s leading agriculture media outlet covers joint statement on WTO

““In the absence of a fully functioning dispute-settlement system, the World Trade Organization simply cannot do its job of protecting the rights of Canadian exporters and importers,” a coalition of business groups said this morning. The four groups are the […]

Canadian Energy Pipeline Association features the Report and Recommendations of the Task Force on Canada’s Economic Future

The Canadian Energy Pipeline Association featured the Report and Recommendations of the Task Force on Canada’s Economic Future in its industry blog. The blog entry highlighted common themes with an April 2019 study by Ernst and Young (EY), Regulatory Competitiveness […]

Recommendation on a national resource and climate strategy featured in Globe op-ed

The recommendation on a national resource and climate strategy from “A better future for Canadians” was featured in an op-ed by PwC’s Peter van Dijk and ESG Global Advisory Services’ Karen Clarke-Whistler.

Trevor Kennedy addressed the Canada-Africa Chamber of Business’ Africa Accelerating conference in Toronto

On October 24th, Trevor Kennedy addressed the Canada-Africa Chamber of Business’ Africa Accelerating conference in Toronto. Given the challenges Canada faces with traditional trade partners and Canada’s  need to diversify, the Canadian government and Canadian businesses should be taking a closer […]

Goldy Hyder joined the Financial Post’s weekly podcast to discuss Task Force report

In an episode of the Financial Post’s weekly podcast, Down to Business, host Emily Jackson interviewed Goldy Hyder to learn more about Canada’s economic situation and explore the ideas outlined in the Report and Recommendations of the Task Force on […]

Chuck Magro shares the view from western Canada with the Toronto Star

In an interview with Heather Scoffield, economics columnist with the Toronto Star, Chuck Magro, President and CEO of Nutrien, responds to recent news about Encana redomiciling to the United States and emphasizes the need to move quickly on the Task […]