Engines of growth

A framework for igniting Canada’s engines of growth

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Hyder: What a normal COVID-19 relief package looks like

Goldy Hyder joined Joyce Napier on Power Play for a panel that included CTV’s Evan Solomon and Molly Thomas to discuss the federal government’s $82-billion financial aid package to help Canadians weather the measures taken to contain the spread of […]

Hyder: Unified approach needed to beat COVID-19

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on the patchwork of measures various governments have taken in response to the coronavirus was featured in an article in The Star.

Hyder: Corporate Canada needs to do its part to help weather the COVID-19 storm

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on businesses’ responsibility to ensure their employees’ ability to get through the COVID-19 crisis was featured in an article by the Toronto Star.

Hyder: New measures will help bear the economic brunt of COVID-19

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on the federal government’s newest measures to soften the economic blow of COVID-19 was featured in an article in the National Observer.

Kingston: Cross-border trade will be affected by government’s new COVID-19 measures

Brian Kingston’s perspective on the federal government’s new border restrictions as a measured response to COVID-19 was featured in an article in The Star.

Kingston: Government relief for businesses impacted by COVID-19, then look at stimulus

Brian Kingston’s perspective on how the government should provide financial relief and then an economic stimulus was featured in an article in The Star.

Hyder: Clear response from all governments needed on COVID-19

Goldy Hyder’s statement on the need for clear, coordinated messaging from all governments was featured in an article in MacLean’s.

Hyder: Social distancing will mitigate the spread of COVID-19

Goldy Hyder joined Andrew Bell on BNN Bloomberg to explain why business leaders are encouraging the practice of social distancing to slow the spread of COVID-19.

Hyder: COVID-19 changes the focus of business

Goldy Hyder, President and Chief Executive Officer of the Business Council of Canada, and Philip Cross of the Macdonald-Laurier Institute join Mike Le Couteur on Global News’s The West Block to discuss business’s reaction to the newest health measures in […]

Hyder: No room for complacency now that COVID-19 is here

Goldy Hyder joined Roy Green on Global News Radio’s The Roy Green Show to discuss the seriousness of the coronavirus and what businesses and governments can do to get through the health crisis.