Engines of growth

A framework for igniting Canada’s engines of growth

All Publications

Business Council: Governments must speak with one voice to stop COVID-19

The Business Council’s perspective on governments’ mismatched approaches to combatting the spread of COVID-19 was featured in Campbell Clark’s column in The Globe and Mail.

Hyder: Government needs to use a more forceful tone to fight COVID-19

Goldy Hyder’s open letter to the Prime Minister was quoted in an article in Convivium.

Kingston: Increasing the wage subsidy will help relieve Canadians of COVID-19 burden

Brian Kingston’s perspective on what the government’s wage subsidy for employees and families needing financial relief while self-isolating during the COVID-19 crisis was featured in an article in iPolitics.

Business Council: What governments can do to focus on stopping COVID-19

The Business Council’s joint statement with the Canadian Chamber of Commerce, the Canadian Federation of Independent Business and Canadian Manufacturers & Exporters was featured in an article in The Star.

Hyder: Clear directives needed to stop COVID-19 and recover sooner

Goldy Hyder joined Amanda Lang on BNN Bloomberg to talk about the measures needed to stop the spread of the virus and keep Canadians financially and economically afloat.

Hyder: Our health emergency requires active unity of governments to stop COVID-19

Goldy Hyder’s open letter to the Prime Minister was featured in an article by The Canadian Press.

Hyder: We need to preserve jobs during COVID-19

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on how the government can help keep the Canadian economy intact during the public health crisis of COVID-19 was featured in an article in the Globe and Mail.

Hyder: Canada’s focus should be to stop COVID-19

Goldy Hyder joined Dan Kelly, President and CEO of the Canadian Federation of Independent Business, and Joyce Napier, CTV’s parliamentary bureau chief, on Question Period to talk about what they’re hearing from business in the midst of the health emergency.

Hyder: We need to act quickly and with one voice to combat COVID-19

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on what governments need to do to contain the virus was featured in an article in The Star.

Hyder: Canada needs to act as one to stop the spread of COVID-19

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on how the federal government should respond to the continued spread of the coronavirus was featured in article from the CBC.