Engines of growth

A framework for igniting Canada’s engines of growth

All Publications

Hyder: Greater flexibility in new wage subsidy benefit will help more Canadians

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on the federal government’s changes to allow for more businesses to be covered by the wage subsidy benefit was featured in an article in the Globe and Mail.

Kingston: The impact of COVID-19 on trade

Brian Kingston published an article on LinkedIn, taking an in-depth look at the numbers when it comes to the trade of medical supplies and where Canada stands in that regard.

Hyder: Simplicity, not complexity, will help Canadians receive COVID-19 relief faster

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on the utility of the federal government’s wage subsidy benefit was featured in an article in the Globe and Mail.

Kingston: Movement of goods still crucial in times of COVID-19

Brian Kingston’s perspective on the need for trade routes to remain open during the COVID-19 health crisis was featured in an article in The Hill Times.

Kingston: Government business loans a lifeline to get through COVID-19

Brian Kingston was on 1310 News with Sam Lamprade to discuss the federal government’s wage subsidy program and the state of the Canadian economy.

Business Council: COVID-19 affects all businesses, regardless of size or industry

The Business Council’s tweet in response to the federal government’s wage subsidy program was featured in an article in the Mining Journal.

Hyder: Wage subsidy will help employers and employees through COVID-19 crisis

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on the relief that the federal government’s wage subsidy will provide for Canadians was featured in an article by The Canadian Press.

Hyder: COVID-19 impacts businesses both big and small, so wage subsidy should help both, too

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on the inclusion of big businesses in the federal government’s wage subsidy program was featured in a CBC article.

Hyder: Canadian businesses step up in the fight against COVID-19

“Last week, I wrote to you about our recommendations for the federal government to address the health and economic implications of COVID-19. Today, I draw your attention to another important topic – the extent by which Canadian businesses and business […]

Hyder: Job-saving wage subsidy will help Canadians through COVID-19 crisis

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on the federal government’s recent wage subsidy program for businesses was featured in an article in the Globe and Mail.