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Strategic policy leadership

iPolitics included a report on the two new additions to the Business Council’s policy team. Goldy Hyder welcomed Robert Asselin and Michael Gullo to the Business Council of Canada to fill their respective roles as Senior Vice President Policy and […]

Growing our team of policy leaders

The Hill Times’ Heard on the Hill section included a report on the two new additions to the Business Council’s policy team. Goldy Hyder welcomed Robert Asselin and Michael Gullo to the Business Council of Canada to fill their respective […]

Support the travel and tourism sector

Goldy Hyder’s perspective on the need to extend the wage subsidy for the tourism sector through the rest of the year was featured in an article by CBC News. He shares that the tourism sector requires increased support due to […]

USMCA can accelerate North America’s economic recovery

The Business Council of Canada’s joint statement with the Business Roundtable (BRT) and Consejo Mexicano de Negocios (CMN) was featured in story by Canadian Press marking entry into force of USMCA. Read here.

Begin plans to responsibly transition from CERB

Goldy Hyder’s letter to Finance Minister Morneau was featured in an article in iPolitics to support the call to expand training programs for workers in hard-hit sectors. Read here.

Begin to responsibly wind down CERB

Goldy Hyder’s letter to Finance Minister Morneau, calling for a calculated approach to dissolving CERB, was featured in an article by the Financial Post. It also encourages more training efforts for hard-hit sectors moving forward. Read here.

Begin to Responsibly Wind down CERB

Goldy Hyder’s letter to Finance Minister Morneau was featured in article in The Toronto Star. He encourages the expansion of training for jobs in hard-hit sectors to help transition new workers. Read here.

Begin to responsibly wind down CERB

Goldy Hyder’s letter to Finance Minister Bill Morneau was featured in an article by the Canadian Press. It emphasized the need to expand training programs for the most negatively impacted sectors as CERB begins to be phased out. Read here.

Reflecting on how Canada can help businesses

Brian Kingston’s perspective that the strict nature of application requirements has limited the ability for businesses to receive funding from the Large Employer Emergency Financing Facility (LEEFF) was featured in an article in iPolitics. He reflects that there is an […]

Public confidence will cultivate a successful economic restart

Goldy Hyder’s perspective that achieving public confidence must be at the foundation of successfully restarting the economy was featured in an article by the Remi Network. Read here.