All Publications

Regroup and resolve to do better

The release of “Powering a Strong Recovery” and the letter to Prime Minister Trudeau in the lead up to the Fall Economic Update was profiled by the Canadian Press. The coverage emphasized the Council’s call for a better response to […]

We need a plan that builds on the country’s strengths

The release of “Powering a Strong Recovery” and the letter to Prime Minister Trudeau in the lead up to the Fall Economic Update was profiled by the Financial Post. The coverage emphasized the Council’s call for the government to provide […]

Call for independent study of Ottawa’s Covid-19 response

The release of “Powering a Strong Recovery” and the letter to Prime Minister Trudeau in the lead up to the Fall Economic Update was profiled by Politico.  The coverage emphasized the Council’s call for the government o launch an independent review of its pandemic […]

Highlights for the innovation economy

The release of “Powering a Strong Recovery” and the letter to Prime Minister Trudeau in the lead up to the Fall Economic Update was profiled by the Logic. The coverage highlighted key recommendations for the innovation economy, including a challenge-based approach […]

Canada and the U.S. best positioned when they work together

Trevor Kennedy speaks with Politico about what a Biden presidency could mean for Canada. There are a lot of competitive regions around the world manufacturing products like steel and aluminum and others; Canada and the United States are best positioned when […]

Build some scale

Robert Asselin offers his thoughts on Canada’s electric vehicle industry to The Logic. “We could use procurement as a demand-driven policy to make sure that our startups, SMEs, or even companies who do R&D here have a market for these […]

Importance of commercializing publicly funded R&D

Robert Asselin’s perspective on recent multi-billion-dollar investments in making electric vehicles in Canada was featured by The Logic.

Preserve the economic resilience of this country

Goldy Hyder’s comments in an interview with the Financial Post were featured in an article in Zoomer Magazine on a targeted approach to responding to the second-wave of COVID-19.

We should not be complacent

Goldy Hyder shared his perspective on the importance of diversifying our trade relationships in a feature article in the National Post. He called on governments to provide more guidance for private firms in navigating foreign markets, and ensuring critical infrastructure […]

Ahead of the U.S. on carbon pricing

John Dillon’s perspective on the impact of the upcoming U.S. presidential election on Canadian climate policy was featured in an article in the National Observer. He emphasized how Canada is ahead of the U.S. when it comes to climate policy […]