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Business leaders are looking for a substantive meeting

Goldy Hyder outlined key priorities for Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in his discussions with President Joe Biden. Prior to the North American Leaders’ Summit, Goldy Hyder spoke with the Canadian Press and highlighted the importance of a more pro-active approach […]

We do better when we work together

Prior to the North American Leaders’ Summit, our Chair Don Lindsay, CEO of Teck Resources, joined his counterparts at the Business Roundtable and the Business Council of Mexico to send a strong message for our leaders to work together. Their […]

Advancing our collective regional interests

Goldy Hyder says the highly-anticipated meeting between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, U.S. President Joe Biden, and Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador must be a substantial conversation on advancing our collective regional interests. He shares this perspective with Joyce Napier […]

Translate targets into policy

John Dillon says that regardless of new targets by governments, Canadian businesses are moving ahead with their own policies and clean growth strategies. He shares this perspective in an article by the Canadian Press about what the outcome of COP […]

Corporate Canada is leading the way on net zero

Canadian businesses are not waiting for government directive when it comes to finding a path toward net zero. This was the message in a feature column in the National Post by John Ivison that included comments from Goldy Hyder and […]

Infrastructure supports Canada’s long-term growth agenda

Michael Gullo highlights the critical link between building high-quality infrastructure that Canadians deserve with the importance of a strong, sustainable economic recovery. He shares this view with the Hill Times in an article about the current status of the federal […]

Why populist policies won’t fix Canada’s economy

Goldy Hyder talks with the Financial Post’s Larysa Harapyn about why populist policies won’t fix Canada’s economy and the need for a strategy and comprehensive plan to get the economy growing.

Parliamentarians must focus on the long-term

Goldy Hyder speaks with CTV News about what parliamentarians should focus on following the recent election. In the interview, he emphasizes the need for a long-term growth strategy that will move Canada forward beyond the pandemic. “We’ve got to make […]

Parliamentarians must get back to work

Goldy Hyder calls on parliamentarians to get back to work now that the federal election has come to an end. His statement on the results of the 44th federal election was featured in a story by Yahoo Finance. “The fundamental […]

Canadians want to be treated fairly when it comes to international travel

Trevor Kennedy shares his disappointment that the U.S. administration is not reciprocating Canada in the loosening of restrictions on the land border. He adds how Canadians want to be treated fairly when it comes to international travel in a story […]