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Getting Canada into the room on new American-led partnerships

Goldy Hyder calls on the Government of Canada to apply for membership to the new Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity. He shares his perspective in a story by the Canadian Press about U.S. President Biden’s new approach to international affairs […]

Supporting Canada’s climate ambitions

John Dillon highlights how creating policy certainty for industry and improving Canada’s track record on building critical infrastructure are necessary if the country is going to meet its climate ambitions. He shares his perspective in an article by The Globe […]

A diplomat’s journey promoting trade

Louise Blais emphasizes Canada’s potential to be a greater strategic international trading partner if it seizes the opportunity.  She joins Robert van Puyenbroeck of the Trade Wins podcast where she discusses life after the diplomatic service and the current challenges […]

Strengthening Canada’s place in the world

Goldy Hyder says it is important for Canada to put its own needs at the table when engaging with the world. He shares this perspective with Canadian Press in a story about Prime Minister Trudeau’s participation at the Summit of […]

Trade expansion with Indo-Pacific nations 

Trevor Kennedy emphasizes the importance for Canada’s much-anticipated Indo-Pacific strategy to focus on trade and economic ties. His remarks to the Standing Committee on International Trade’s Study on Trade Opportunities for Canadian Business in the Indo-Pacific were quoted by the […]

Improving trade-enabling infrastructure

Michael Gullo believes improving the state of Canada’s trade-enabling infrastructure should be a pillar of any economic growth plan. He shares this perspective with the Hill Times in a story about the Canada West Foundation’s latest report “From Shovel Ready […]

Asserting Canada’s place in the Indo-Pacific

Goldy Hyder urges the Government of Canada to assert itself as an Indo-Pacific nation and explore options for joining the Indo-Pacific Economic Framework for Prosperity announced by U.S. President Joe Biden. He shares this perspective with The Globe and Mail […]

Promoting the Canada-U.S. trading relationship

Louise Blais says Canada needs to do a better job at communicating the value it brings to the U.S. economy. She shares this perspective with the Hill Times in an interview about U.S. Trade Representative Katherine Tai’s recent visit to […]

Banking on energy transition

Robert Asselin highlights the ways in which the federal budget is focussed on the energy transition. He shares this perspective with The Globe and Mail. “It contains good ideas, he said, but the question is whether they will be effectively […]

Pleased with the direction, more to do

Goldy Hyder speaks discusses Budget 2022 with BNN Bloomberg’s Andrew Bell (skip to 30:55). “Generally we’re pleased with the direction, but of course there are some things I would have like to have seen done differently.” Goldy Hyder, President & […]