Engines of growth

A framework for igniting Canada’s engines of growth

Canada’s leading enterprises welcome today’s announcement of an action plan to modernize federal assessment and permitting processes.

The actions proposed today reflect several of the recommendations the Business Council of Canada and its members have made consistently for years, including the need to advance the principle of one project one assessment, improved coordination with provinces and territories, and a clear role for the Privy Council Office in coordinating project approvals and permitting.

Canada must attract the capital required to develop major projects, and regulatory barriers are a significant impediment.

Our country is blessed with the energy and resources required to drive economic growth for Canadians, while supporting the needs of our allies and trading partners. However, regulatory inefficiencies are holding us back from fulfilling our potential and competing on the global stage.

While this announcement is a step forward, we urge the federal government to implement the action plan immediately with the support of provinces and territories.